What do you consider to the most valuable thing you own?
The most valuable thing I own has to be my ...... Uhm......... My computer I guess.
clydo replied
4174 days ago
Something you plan on never doing again?
Date a specific person.
clydo replied
4201 days ago
What makes your mom awesome?
The fact that she gave birth to me, she can play basically any instrument, and she's a nurse so if I die, she'll bring me back.
clydo replied
4217 days ago
Is it possible to escape the friendzone ?Give a reason for your answer
It is possible. Sometimes th reason for a girl "friendzoning" you is because she really likes you.
clydo replied
4225 days ago
Who is the prettiest gal you've ever seen??
There are many, so I can't just single out one.
clydo replied
4225 days ago
Top 3 songs on your current music playlist?
Dive in-trey songs... Trading places-usher... I'm not sympathetic-me...
clydo replied
4241 days ago
Do you support human cloning and why or why not?
I don't actually. I believe each individual is unique. If there were clones that would make 2 or more of a person. Weird!!!!
clydo replied
4244 days ago
Would you slap a parent for $30 Million ?
Depending on the force behind the smack... If its really hard then.......... I don't know.
clydo replied
4247 days ago
What are your dreams one day??
To become a rapper. Not about the fame, I just want people to hear what I think.
clydo replied
4249 days ago
What type of girls do you like? and what is the things you want in a girl? LaylahTarin
Well that is a mystery even to myself... I really don't know, just something about the way she should treat me.
clydo replied
4249 days ago
Something you wish to have but cant afford?
There are so many things, but at the moment, my own electric guitar with an amp (portable and extreme)
clydo replied
4249 days ago
Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else?
Millions of times... Lol
clydo replied
4250 days ago
Do you have a gf at the moment or are you interested in someone(its just a Yes or no question) ?
No gf at the moment. I haven't really looked around lately so no.
clydo replied
4252 days ago
Name of the last person you loved?
clydo replied
4252 days ago
Why are you such a Dic* at times?
I have moods too. Sometimes I'm upset and many of the times I'm probably just joking.
clydo replied
4252 days ago
Hottest song right now according to you?
The hottest song right now would be.................................... Boyfriend-justin bieber, but the acoustic version.
clydo replied
4252 days ago
Reason for your last breakup?
My idiocy... Thought to much about the things I couldn't do.
clydo replied
4255 days ago
Some of this people is very funny and clyde what is the youngest age you would date ?
14 who will be 15 in this year...
clydo replied
4255 days ago
If you tell me who this is I could maybe consider it.
clydo replied
4256 days ago
Do you think josh stands a good chance with any girl that comes up too him or do you think he will choke like he does LmK!!!!
Josh is ..................he's average, I really don't know.
clydo replied
4256 days ago
I would like to know who the real clyde is ??
Is he the joker who can't be taken seriously with the things he says....
Is he serious when he says things or is he just the mas*ive flirt ??
Well to be honest. I'm a serious joker, everything I say is serious but I turn it into a joke (insecurities)......
clydo replied
4256 days ago
Plz be my boyfriend I'm somebody that goes to school with you I'm grade 8 and I've noticed you a lot laterly and I'm really shy to speak too you so ya I thought this is how I can get hold of you Ek lief vir jou :* CypherKidz
Joshua dumbass... Lol
Who are you dating and why?
I'm single
clydo replied
4418 days ago