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kongnificent &myself dont work there so thats inaccurate
nyaconda, kongnificent, n ddaawgg, basically only nya
i havent talked to marcus in ages
not sure
i had a dream that Marcus cut his leg off for me and i still rejected him because hes a flog
Hahaha yuck not answering
nyaz boo*z
Tall? yeah I am
kill yourself ew
At Nya's backyard, I make her garden look flash
best friend forever, love you to pieces, you make me so happy, we hate MARCUS, you're mint, I like your boo*s they are big, I know everything about you so you can't break up with me, h8 how you ate my butter chicken when I was asleep but it's ok bc I ate ur pizza, you mean tha world to me, SOZ for all this gangsta writing home dawg, I like ur as* too can't wait until we go to Dubai wtf ahahha pls bring me some doughnuts after you finished work xxx
pretty nice and cool
thx and sure x
guud how u doin ELL DEE
the middle names hazel
yes I'm so excited, in three weeks
thanks Hun
no it's okay
Not as tall as zoe
weirddddd ****tt
twu ov dem
no but I will get a mint one in dubai
I'm mint, I hate olives, I ****ING HATE MARCUS, Nya Lea Druscilla Kong is my bestfriend, I eat all of Nya's pizza coz she scratched me once, I am 14, I have my ears pierced CBF with the rest
better than Marcus
Dubai ❤️
baby girl
I have known her since we were in prep
no I'm not you liar
him and Nya are the cutest bestows but they still don't come anywhere as adorable as NYA AND MYSELF COZ WE R HAWT AZ AND V MINT, I think they should tune and get married
when do I ever fish for likes?
going overseas with nyaaaaaa and Christmas
don't think they like me HAHAHAH
so so tall, giant, love her personality she's a bit quite at times but she knows how to make people laugh which is a good quality to have
love his moustache it's hot as
babe for daiz
I know her bra size haha that's how close we are bruv
yeah I know but her t*** are bigger
would rather slice my as* and give it to Nya then ever see his face EVER AGAIN
I would never go there with Marcus besides I'm not even *exually attracted to him ew, I'm a virgin idiot
no Nya has the t***ies and I have the b**ty
I've got an as* it's okay
I would defs go les for that thugggg
no I'm not wtf
you can't even see my knees when I wear my dress ahaha wtf is this
seems okay
he's so rude and selfish
I had so many questions and I barely went on it beside I forgot my password
thanks hun
you seem lovely
what? the? ****?
awww thank you hunny
me nya rose and eleesha
yes hunny