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Ask me anything you like anonymously

10 Replies

The secret to a good friendship is... ?

Idk they just come

combrink replied 2791 days ago

What's the most expensive thing you own?

My fishing gear

combrink replied 2811 days ago

Wassup my hoe ?


combrink replied 2811 days ago

Why are you such a poes

Why do you care if you think Im one ?go to your mom she have one.

combrink replied 2811 days ago

What are you looking forward to in 2017?

to begin a new year over and injoy

combrink replied 2961 days ago

What makes your life worth living?

thinking of cassandra and my fishing yea that about ot.

combrink replied 2965 days ago 1

Why are you so good at dancing ?

lol idk haha

combrink replied 2973 days ago 1

Hoekom naai jy soveel meisies?

gaan se dit vir iemand anders okay ??

combrink replied 2973 days ago

How did you meet your best friend ?

i meet him at grade 1

combrink replied 2980 days ago

Who is your best friend ?

Didi van biljon

combrink replied 2992 days ago