Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I'm unsure of what this is asking me. But yes, I would definitely snack that, all day, any day. Hopefully it is a healthy snack like some unsalted cashews. buuuut did you know "When buying “raw cashews” in the store, take note that these nuts have actually been steamed and are not entirely raw. This is because raw cashews contain urushiol, which is the same chemical that you'd find in poison ivy. It can cause the body to have a very similar reaction to one experienced from poison oak or ivy." just something to think about aye
Connor, I don't want anyone knowing about my sht
thanks, I hate you
ok, reel it in, s*ck up
I'm only replying to this because I want everyone to know that I'm wonderful.
actually almost never. I have a beanie and I sometimes wear that, but even then it's not often.
the first half. eh
Yes I love talking about this.
It's ok... Idk,
Well, I do appreciate the song, it's right in the middle of The Colour & The Shape, my favourite of their albums. I will not be attending the concert though, it's just so much money.
It's a ***** but you can be friends
I've never been strong enough to pick up a bank.. But if I was, I think I'd be able to balance it pretty well.
Not since the accident..
Well then, I could only describe you as this: "Your random, funny and can be quite weird at some points. You have 3 brothers and your mum works at the school. In maths you are always being told to be quite cause you talk to much :)"
No. It was the first one that popped up. I was planning on maybe doing an acting course but all the auditions are happening now, so it would appear that I am too late for that, oh well, there's always next year.
hahaha that's great. I only realised like a month after filming that it was still up there. A lot of people came up to me after media night saying, "ohhhhh that's why that was up there".
I came up with it after learning about Aram Saroyan's minimalistic poem which was just a page with the word "Lighght" in the centre. And I loved that. I liked the title being a nonsense word but then became clear and had meaning as you watched the movie. So uunee was born. (The reason is probably different in my folio though) oh now I remember, it also means unique, as it sounds like the first two syllables and is in itself a unique word, (bull**** meanings for marks!)
:O you're also hiding in the bushes person!?
Well, I knew I was in about grade 6, I told friends in like year 10 (Quite a few say, "me too!" which is interesting) and I told my family.. I think it might have been this year. I didn't really care, like I haven't been worried about telling anyone, they love me, they'll deal with it at the very least. But I told mu when I was drunk and about to leave for a party. I was like **** it, mum I'm bi. Brennan was on his computer and took his headphones off and was like, "wait, what? I think I heard you right, but what was that?" It was pretty funny. But yeah, I've only had positive reception so far which is great. Plus, I hate calling it, "coming out" like, I don't know, I feel like it makes it seem like a much bigger deal that it is. Plus my brother was like, you have to tell dad, and I have and he's fine with it, I knew he would be, but I was like, I don't have to tell him. I don't view it as something that needs to be known about me, I don't know, I'm not ashamed of it, I just think that people make a bigger deal out of it than it needs to be. Obviously this is just my opinion and experience with it all. but yeah, this is a long enough answer.
3pm, finishing at 5:15pm, in time to go home, have dinner, then sacrifice my books to the fire lords.
I think the only ones on YouTube are "The Friend Zone" by Ari Karageorgiou and "Dysphoria" by Alexandra Samulenok.
English was, cause it was the first one. As we were lining up waiting to go in, I felt like I was going to vomit. All the others have been fine, I've just had this guilt for the past couple of months whenever I haven't been studying.
Well I'll turn on the heater. Icy you
actually it's uunee. and I've only had one person spell it that way when talking to me about it.. so hmm, the chances are high that it is you. I've only put in one preference so that I could pay VTAC. It was the first course i found so i just clicked it, turns out it's some games development course and they scheduled an interview and I was like ahhhh and I didn't go, but then they sent me a letter saying why didn't you show up and then I was like oh... So other than that, no uni plans as of yet
Nah, I've got media tomorrow. Watching Run Lola Run, MANIIIIIII
yeah, the one in Auckland :)
Valkstone Primary School. I was the school captain in 2008. I want to go back and say hello, because I just haven't yet, but I don't know.. It's been 6 years
Thanks! My front yard needed some good filtration.
Back yard or front yard?
That's because she goes by Ms Glanville
haha yeah, but she has to go anyway I think because she's a teacher. But I may as well throw my next two exams so that I can avoid it
Well I'm sorry, this is non-refundable... It works for me though
Please don't skin me and wear my skin as a suit! Nah but, if I understand this question, and I don't, yes, I am a very affordable item of clothing. But on this topic I never do spend much on clothes. The most I'll spend on a shirt is $15 and that had better be a freaking good shirt. I don't like formal attire much.
Not fully, but there are always people you've got an eye on, just admiring from a distance. But they'll never see me.. because I always go undetected hiding in the bushes
It's partly a bull**** symbol for pretentiousness in an effort to get more marks and partly a representation of the ATAR that 0 perceived him to have received. (which is again, bull**** symbolism). And mr 3 was taken from the saying "three's a crowd", because he was crowding her blah blah balhvfhvsk
Nothing. As much as you can look back and regret things you done, whether they be a facebook status or something you did to someone, they were the right choice at that time. Without those experiences I wouldn't have learnt the lessons I did. Plus, other peoples words can only influence so much, there's not much I could say to my past self that would truly make a difference.
Yes and based is the important word there. I had an interview and expressed my interest in music but I was pretty much saying, well I like music.. and so on. They said, so it's more of a hobby right? and so I wrote that scene first and came up with the rest of the film around it. It had to be slightly exaggerated to fit the story. So.. what I'm saying is, the careers teacher(s) as McKinnon are really good, but you have to be willing to work with them if they're going to help.
Clearly Ms Glanville for year 9 drama... heheh
I had to direct it as well as control the camera. I got to act in so many other films, which was so much fun, so it was quite nice to be behind the camera and calling the shots.
Have a shower and then after when your body temperature lowers it makes you sleepy. Which is why when people freeze to death they usually fall asleep before they die, so that's nice :)
I'm actually not aiming for anything. My mum has always wanted one of us to walk across the stage at presentation night with a score over 90 and jack just missed it, so it was down to three of us. Jordan missed it, so there were two of us. Brennan missed and now it's up to me.. Needless to say mum is going to be very disappointed.
:') Somebody noticed. I've gotta tell mum
Well Zero was just me but played by Alex.
As in stand up comedy? Like Louis C.K? Or a comedy tv series? Like Louie by Louis C.K?
In the words of Randy Newmon, "You've got a friend in me".
Overseas. Tasmania
I actually did a presentation on Spiteful Intervention for philosophy in year 10.
Touched Something's Hollow/Malefic Dowery/ Good Morning Mr. Edminton/The Repudiated Immortals/She Ain't Speaking Now
No way, I'm so done with school. In 50 years or so I might want to. I'd get to see all my friends again :)
I've never wanted to be buried. At least not in a coffin. You're dead, why does it matter? Bury me without a coffin, like a dog. Bury me under a lemon tree or something. Also, if I'm lucky enough to be on a deathbed, and I say something like, promise me, you'll never do blah blah or something, you don't have to do that. I'm dead, who cares? Break any promise you want, there will be no repercussions from the person you promised. Honourable? pffft. honour is a mere scutcheon.
My star-exual orientation? I'm bi*exual. I'm just so indecisive, I couldn't pick a side.
Does that mean skeletons are fighting other skeletons, like a skeleton civil war? OR are we, the living, fighting the skeletons. Either way, this is very exciting news.
Best teachers have been Quinny, Jobbo, ****o, Felmo & Doc. Wait, that's all of my teachers this year..
Donkey Kong, is that you?
English was dreadful. Psych I found quite easy. Business will be awful. Theatre could go either way. Media could go either way also. Further went well last year, so.. yeah.//
I've peaked too early. oh no
Something witty about grasshoppers
Yeah, then I returned with a racing flag and a dress. So I was a "drag racer". Hahahah... :(
Definitely. They record the auditions, so who knows, maybe people can enjoy it one day on youtube.
Are we talking the hair on my head or body hair? I had my head hair shaved in the boys toilets about 18 months ago and haven't cut it since. Body hair has been shaved completely recently for Dysphoria and has just about returned to normal. Although I did shave a bit for my wonderful cyan costume.
So **** you! Will they pay for mine?
I'm in a higher year level and I think you should enjoy your schooling time while you can. This stage of life is scary. There are so many possibilities, I just hope I'm proud of the choices I'm about to make when I'm 50.
The rule is, if you really love the band, it doesn't matter how much it costs. You go and you have a good time and you never forget it. But it's $200
Well, depending on how hairy their armpit is, I might accidentally do both.
They Are Night Zombies!! They Are Neighbors!! They Have Come Back from the Dead!! Ahhhh!
Well, I don't want to accidentally eat a baby.. But at the same time, I sneezed about 12 times during the english exam
But.. If I don't change, then my clothes would get awfully stinky.
I got very drunk for the assembly, it went by in about 10 minutes. I think I'll always remember walking the streets of Bentleigh at 8am piss drunk though. And talking to Quinny for about 10 minutes (although it was probably about 30 seconds). Being slightly hungover at 2pm gets you though. Then Mia's 18th was that night..
Then stop thinking that and say hi and I'll say hi and then make me give you my phone number even if I don't want to and call me in like 4 years out of the blue and arrange a meeting, for like, I don't know, Go-Karting or something.
Collingwood, but Fremantle is a very close second.
Well, don't you have to do both? Maybe I'm remembering it wrong. But I always preferred history, not that I loved it that much.
I wouldn't say I learnt French, but I was in a French class in years 7 and 8. By term 4 of year 8, Madame Antal told me to just sit in the corner silently, I thought I had won. How wrong I was.
Freund was a pioneer in immunological research who developed basic laboratory methods that are now standard. He is known above all for his work on adjuvants that enhance the effectiveness of vaccines. In a 1944 article he discussed such adjuvants as paraffin oil, lanolin-like substances, and killed tubercle bacilli. SO YES!
of Montreal, have been for a while. New album coming out soon. Foo Fighters were a favourite of mine for a while and they've got Sonic Highways coming out very soon so that's exciting. Recently I've been getting into Sufjan Stevens, especially The Age of Ads and Illinois.
ah, you can always see me whenever! I usually sleep with my blinds open so you can just watch me sleep
I follow these simple rules passed down through my family for weeks. 1.Drink lots of water to regain the water lost due to sweating. 2. Keep still and quiet. This is not a good time for exercising, sports or running around. Keep these activities for the evening when the air becomes cooler and the sun goes down. 3. Stay in the shade. Read a good book, sit still or take a nap.When you move around you will get hotter and hotter. 4. Open the windows to let in a breeze. Use screens to keep out insects if they are a problem. 5. Go swimming. If you can, select a shady body of water. 6. Wet your hair with cold water every half an hour.
Well, I like to define market capitalism as being an economy that operates by voluntary exchange in a free market and is not planned or controlled by a central authority; a capitalistic economy. And if you don't know how I feel about that, then you clearly don't know me at all.
Piano, guitar, ukelele umm we once owned a drum kit. I'm not great at any of them, but I do my best
You know you'd laugh for like 3 minutes and say "jesus ****ing christ Connor, Really!?" then go "ughh may as well get him looking dignified."
Eh, at least another couple of years. It would s*ck to die now after 17 years of only preparing for life. But if I died now I'd want to die in a funny or awkward way. Like, if I slipped in the shower and died. Then the shower would still be running. after 15 minutes someone would knock on the door "come on, you've been in there for a while". Then half an hour, then an hour. And they break down the door. and there I am. Naked. and like, I'm dead and they'd be sad about that but they'd feel uncomfortable with the fact that I'm naked and probably all wrinkly from the water. And they might even laugh. They'd turn off the water. But would they cover me up with a towel or something or pick me up first, my wet wrinkly body. Picking me up, my soggy skin against there's, "jesus christ Connor" they mutter to themselves. so yeah, something like that.
That's how I'd go about it, yes
Flamingo orgasms can last up to 40 minutes
Well, I would weigh up all aspects of the SAC and then put a score to it out of ten based upon my views and how I experienced it.
Well, rugs and I have only been dating for a couple of months so I don't know if it's been long enough to say it. I do have strong feelings though. Rugs is pretty special :)
Alex's boots are great, they go to her knees. Alex's books are good, she is a fantastic writer. Alex's boops are funny, she gets me on the nose. Alex's boogs are gross, they hang from her nose.
Stealing is never ok
Die no saw
This is in no particular order Alexandra Samulenok Mia Singh Louis C.K Peter Cho Jack Jordan Brennan Mum Dad Nick Brodie Poppy Tom Turner This one guy who always comes into buy fresh produce with his wife and every time without fail, when they come to the register, the wife will say "oh no, I forgot something" and walk off and get stuff for like 5 minutes and say "ooh this looks nice, what about this?" etc, and he just gives me this look every time, like "yep, this is ridiculous, why did we come to the register if she clearly wasn't done shopping" I can't describe it well but it's hilarious. But then when she's done it's all good and he loves her so much even though they've probably been married 10-15 years, just a little thing in my life that's awesome to witness. Lachlan Boland Amy Bismire Ari Karageorgiou Louise Charles Mrs. Orloff Mr. Stooke Mr. Quinn Immy Chuah Morgan Dooley-Axup Ruby Willis Ruby Harvey Jeff Bertie Ash Jansen Emily Holding Josh Assauw Tim Crockett Kevin Barnes The cast and writers of Arrested Development Cameron Thorne Harvey Sweet-Kirkwood Photosynthesisation Phhnostril Phhgel Plank Daphne Maris Siri Cheesy Bass Lines Cheesy himself Gerome, the PillowPet (Bus 3 represent) This one girl that works at IGA, always says something funny Geoff Peter Hitchener Jordie Katz Nick Halsall Donkey Kong Emma Belotti David Yarrow Kiran Sehmi Anthony Fantano Diane Tony Natoli Super Mario Luigi Yoshi, especially Yoshi Anyone presenting at General Assembly You And myself, I have so many inside jokes with myself.. I know what makes me laugh The second I click post I'll realise I've left out so many people. Which is awful because I just listed 612 people
You'd better tell Tom to step up his game, I ain't even bruised, just very very tender and sore. And just FYI, no excrement was expelled from my body when Tom beat me.
things that make myself laugh, just stupid stuff really. Or recalling stupid stuff.
This big!
If I wasn't brave enough to tell them, then why would I put it here?
My vertical jump by like 5 metres or so, that'd be nice. Then maybe just playing guitar or piano, or singing. Or song writing. Or arranging. Of music that is. Something like that would be nice to be better at. One day I'll look back at this and think, ****, why haven't I been practicing this ****.
If you're gonna be loud, you gotta be proud