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99 Replies

To all the cu*** who are saying **** to my brother and I about acting tough and having older model bikes. Yeah you might smash us doing your tough 90 ft jumps but we are not spoilt little brats like you d*** h***.so grow up


corey32 replied 3872 days ago

It's actually quite amusing that you say your S H I t over qooh me but you wouldn't have the guts to say it to his face. Grow some balls or wait are you girl? I'll take the second option loser.


corey32 replied 3872 days ago

Ignoring all this bike ****, who's you're favourite person to talk to?

Probably.... Isobel

corey32 replied 3872 days ago

Wow people love to think with their ****s and not their brains... Guess that's why this guy is a **** head! Doesn't have a brain to use! Grow up mate you're fighting over nothing

this kid ^^

corey32 replied 3872 days ago

Why would I take it, that's stupid

ill take you too the track the next morning and we can race?

corey32 replied 3872 days ago

Yeah I am why

bring your bike

corey32 replied 3872 days ago

Shut up pat!!


corey32 replied 3872 days ago

Well it's not mine either is it?

so why are you cracking it at me saying youre better than me and stuff when it is none of our faults? and are you invited to my party?

corey32 replied 3872 days ago

Haha yeah well we are going to have to go by that because you can't even show up

not my fault is it?

corey32 replied 3872 days ago

Haha you *****ed it you puss.y looks like I'm the faster one if you can't even turn up hahahaha

how do we know whos faster? doesnt mean you're better because i cant get there? logic much?

corey32 replied 3872 days ago

Hahaha **** you ride your little ktm around a paddock so how can you hit 60 ft jumps haha just give up and stop thinking your better then everyone! You even think your better then everyone at basketball your so stuck ip

you dont know me and how i ride? you dont know what ive jumped and havent jumped? and you're the one thats stuckup saying you can ride better than me mate! and you want to play in ball to do you??

corey32 replied 3872 days ago

I haven't *****ed it I'm just not going to sit in the car for 45 minutes with a **** head and also I'm already taking people so I clearly can't so you have *****ed it you can't even find a way there you scab **** so **** up

fine no race then! your loss! you're the one that is complaining and thinking you're better! hahaha

corey32 replied 3872 days ago

Does it really matter who can ride a bike faster or who would win in a punch on?!?!

no but this person thinks so, if thats what they want then why not give it to them?

corey32 replied 3872 days ago

I don't even know you but you seem to be talking yourself up way to much Corey. No offence man but I have heard from a few people at school that your not that good I'm not sure but iv heard you seem to talk yourself up and that's what your doing at the moment

can you please inbox me who ever you are so you can get to actually know me! and im not talking myself up im just saying to who ever this person is that they're wrong! why judge a book by its cover?? but yeah inbox me i wont crack it at you i promise, just get to know me and see if your opinion changes?

corey32 replied 3872 days ago

Yes we are racing when you can find your own way to the track stop being a scab you honestly can't even find your own way there

1. my dad is sick 2. my mum wont take me 3. i cant drive 4. you *****ed it and wont take me

corey32 replied 3872 days ago