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Purple monkey dishwasher ask me ****

284 Replies

Who the **** did you hook in the park in Riddell today because he dropped like a sack of ****

Umm I don't know what your talking about

corrrzaa replied 3783 days ago

I see that your going to project lanny!! because I think your hot. I also think we should hookup and maybe more;) !!!! ?

I don't know if I'm going yet and even if I do I'm sorry but I have a girlfriend and she means a lot to me

corrrzaa replied 3783 days ago 1

Thoughts on me nicolewat

To many to list

corrrzaa replied 3796 days ago

Hottest year 9s at gissy?

There's a few

corrrzaa replied 3796 days ago

I'm sick of this **** you c.u.n.t what kind of mate are you wanting to f.u.c.k your mates ex I'm Also sick of you talking about her this way you ****ing dog c.u.n.t SAMs a good girl just leave her the f.u.c.k alone find someone else man


corrrzaa replied 3796 days ago

What if I did I don't want it to **** us about man

Well your a ****witt aren't ya

corrrzaa replied 3797 days ago

Why the f.uck would you even think about having *ex with Corey's ex 'IF' you are one of his friends? That's so f.ucking wrong! And I'm talking from experience, it f.ucking hurts!


corrrzaa replied 3797 days ago

Hahaha who's the good mates your talking about?

Just do it and when I find out you'll find out weather I care or not

corrrzaa replied 3797 days ago 1

Would it get in the way of our friend ship :/

Depends who you are but more then likely yes

corrrzaa replied 3797 days ago

Which friend would you take a bullet for?

I'd take a bullet for almost anyone because "save the good get rid of the bad" haha

corrrzaa replied 3797 days ago

You were so lucky man


corrrzaa replied 3797 days ago

Do u care if I had *ex with Sam

Depends if you are one of my good mates yeh I would

corrrzaa replied 3797 days ago

Why do you doubt that she hates you?

Doubt that she doesn't hate me so in other words I'd be surprised if she didn't hate me

corrrzaa replied 3798 days ago

Haha ppl talking about her on your then on hers people are talking about you haha she still speaks well of you

Fair enough haha I ain't got anything against her haha and I hope she doesn't hate me but I doubt it

corrrzaa replied 3798 days ago

Y wouldn't u care

Because I was in the relationship for who she was not what she did

corrrzaa replied 3798 days ago