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courtneyyyyy :)


hate away :)

864 Replies

A new car, new hair, spray tan, new phone, new laptop or ipad, smokes, fcking spend your kids money on your kid, not yourself you pathetic excuse for a mother

Well the very awkward thing for you is I brought my car before I had my daughter, I buy self tanning foam from Coles or Safeway, I buy box dye from the shops, I don't own a laptop or iPad, and I am renting a phone haha
actually I buy my child everything she needs before myself, so clearly you have no fcking idea on what I do with my life, because I spend all the money I get on my daughter and rent food and bills and if I'm lucky to have some money left over I'll buy smokes if not I go without so shove it

courtney.lichnok replied 2720 days ago

Waddup girl how u doin?

Not much, and great :) what about you?

courtney.lichnok replied 3368 days ago

Is that tattoo on your leg a tag???

Sadly yes! And I can not wait to get it covered tbh!

courtney.lichnok replied 3424 days ago

Mate whoever wants a foot job should seriously get his hips removed then he could do it himself.

Brah. The niece is late

Tell me about it!!!

courtney.lichnok replied 3424 days ago

I've got good photos off you at your mums with your feet up, soles right in front off me how could I not take a photo
What size are you again ? 6 or 7?

Your a creep dude

courtney.lichnok replied 3424 days ago

How the fck are you supposed to care for your child if you have a foot phobia? You cant even clean her feet! Poor kid

Obviously being my own child it's different! I just can't stand grown people's feet! There big and gross!

courtney.lichnok replied 3425 days ago

You never touched Ashs feet correct!
Your feet were on his c o c k

Haha ew that never happened awksss

courtney.lichnok replied 3425 days ago

What rats writing all this about this sht on your poohme!!
Get a life

Who knows haha just Jelous people :)

courtney.lichnok replied 3425 days ago

Trust me, you would love the soles of your feet and toes on my ****, ash said you loved giving him footjobs
Post more photos off your feet !!!

Uhm ew! And look I never touched ashs feet so that's really awkward I actually have a phobia of feet! Haha

courtney.lichnok replied 3425 days ago

U posted a photo of some nike shorts. Ur just another gross young mum pooping out a kid nd ur not with the kids father and u b*m off everyone for places to live lmao

For 1 there not my daughters shorts they were a pair of shorts I had as a baby! And for 2 obviously you know absolutely nothing about my daughters father, otherwise you wouldn't be saying what you are saying! And bumming off everyone for places to live? Haha oh my you are one silly person! Until you know what you are talking about I suggest you go do some research, because you clearly don't know the first thing about me! Toodles :)

courtney.lichnok replied 3425 days ago

Would you give a footjob? I love all the pics you post off your feet :)

No ew :/

courtney.lichnok replied 3425 days ago

Who's the father of sharlette

You'll be a great Mumma x

Ash steel! And thanks :) x

courtney.lichnok replied 3425 days ago

I fcking hate you so much brah. You need to just stop mate just fcking stop kidding

Gimme de niece
Much love ?

Hahah tripper :)

courtney.lichnok replied 3425 days ago

Ur gunna make ur kid look and dress lyk a filthy lad/lass just like u. Thats disgusting. Fkn dirty rat. Ur not ready for a fkn kid

Well this is really awkward when I do not have one single piece of any of that sort of brand clothing for my daughter except for a Lacoste dress I got given to me which is a size 1! So maybe get your facts right before you assume things because I sure as hell am not going to dress my child like a lass! And I'm not ready for a child? Oh well you clearly don't know me oh to well then :)

courtney.lichnok replied 3425 days ago

Hi :)

Hello :)

courtney.lichnok replied 3425 days ago