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cullll! Love him he's a great guy
hahah what?
this year theres quite a few new people! some from other clubs and some starting cheer for the first time
matt oli and jakob
im not up for guessing right now
not dennis
i have no idea what that means
ah depends who its to but i hate talking about like bad memories and eating habits and that (y)
cutcs,p and no its not gay i love those girls to the moon and back and don't know what i'd do without them
hahahah I'm sorry what?
reubs as In Reuben? he's great! love talking to him and love how easy he is to get along with
one of my best friends, he's helped me through so much and I always love being around him
he's great to have a chat to and has become a good friend
he's a very lovely boy
just my year or?
favourites from my year would be Danny, both toms, ash, the mcphersons, Jackson, marsh and a few others I guess
the few times I've met/ talked to him he's been so nice and I really hope I can get to know him :*
hi I have no idea
couldn't pick ten but I think they would know haha
umm I don't know too many but probably reuben
my Christmas was fabulous thankyou
love him
doing L5 with perfection and meeting heaps of new people
you seem like a very lovely person
Sam Morris, Andrew, max ahh I don't know, anyone, I love talking to new people !
aw thankyou! I wouldn't be anything without my perfection sisters though :)
there's quite a few girls who seem really nice!
char liv and the rest of cutcs and soph feehan are my girl best friends ahha
umm theres a few
aw thanks!
she sure is follow her on insta @sophiefeehan xox
yeah Sophie's the other pringle
lol too much to put into one qooh me response
nope single as a pringle
someone who's nice and I can be myself Infront of and that is good to talk to ahhaha
don't really know him that well but he seems like a lovely person hah
McPherson?? hahah thought he hated me but he's a nice guy and I hope we can become good friends again :))
hey courtt <3 <3 courtX2
lol my fake tan is for a cheer comp ;P
idk it's so stupid
hey to you too my favourite pal in the whole world
lol cool your opinion means nothing to me xx
such a nice guy and great to have a chat to! love how were becoming better friends ahah
no, who r u
my favourites werent in order dw d youre still on of the top
ahhahahahahahahah yeah anon
hahha oh right thats silly of him
ahah what u talkin bout d
if you have to know then inbox me but im not saying that on here ahahah
haha thanks but its alright were still good friends :)
why dont you answer it
well thats tough
all my friends are pretty smart
i think iv answered this a few times hahaha
a few i guess ahhah
the same as below +u
I don't have a best in particular because it's really hard to train all skills on our floor, but I do front handspring through to lay and I'm working whip flips and things like that
at the moment- Geordie, tom, Jackson, Danny and dennis
umm I don't really know many people from haileybury
hes always there for me to talk to, he's a good guy and one of my closest pals, we have our arguments but were always friends in the end hah
hahah thanks but it's okay to say the truth infront of me xxx
haha yeah you could say that
hey geordie!
andrew and jackson and I'm sure there's more but I can't think of them atmmm
yess I went last year and it was the best thing ever
maybe a little?
well I thought I knew but now I have no idea
not creepy at all
why do you care ahah
food :O
loving them!
nah ah
queen size for the queen thankyou
mm might be pushing a little high but anything is possible I guess
naht always
one (y)
vic secrets always pretty good
an astronaut
haha what a strange question, I'm not really sure
well I probably will at some point in my life, but not for the time being
ha thnx you seem like a nice person
lol omg
ha this is funny
I swear iv been asked this like 5 times in the past week