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Brooke Van Hoorn


Ask me anything you like anonymously

591 Replies

What do you hate about yourself ?

That sometimes I let ppl get to me

cupcakes5 replied 3544 days ago

Why are you and tarra using dalton and leading him on so he buys you guys stuff? you guys aint gonna do anything with him unless your slusss

Dalton knows that me n him are only friends and he's a good friend of mine curently just hanging out n watching movies I don't ask him for anything I don't use him for anything I've always been upfront n honest with him

cupcakes5 replied 3561 days ago 2

What makes you happy, like kid in a candy shop that was just told they could pick anything they wanted happy.

Umm hanging out with my friends just making me laugh

cupcakes5 replied 3561 days ago

Attention seeker, stop.
You realize no real man wants a girl who drinks 5 out of 7 days a week? Only the low quality ones who'll be gone in a month. Change yourself for the better and maybe the guys you want will show up

Just cuz I go out doesn't mean I drink every time n If a guy who actually showed he gave a **** bet u any money I would slow down my drinking/partying

cupcakes5 replied 3561 days ago

What do you do for your friends. Do you even have there backs like they have yours ??

I treat u how u treat me and if u were close to me u would no I actually have a big heart

cupcakes5 replied 3561 days ago

thoughts:)? Maanssii

Honestly I don't even no anymore

cupcakes5 replied 3562 days ago

If your bank account had a mood ,what mood would it be in right now?


cupcakes5 replied 3566 days ago

Oh Brooke, why do you need dat attention? Dat ahit dat is external loving girl. You da best dat u chose be urself.

Guess who, who, who ( I'm an owl) I am?

Hahaha idk

cupcakes5 replied 3566 days ago

Why is it that you only go for the losers and people with no ambition?

Idk :( honestly don't going for anyone really hurt lately

cupcakes5 replied 3567 days ago

you're so beautiful... Too bad I'll never have a chance with you:/

Honestly I'm done going for anyone I always end up getting hurt n ****ing it up :(

cupcakes5 replied 3567 days ago

All the pick up ones are prob from that f** Dalton

Dalton is just a friend and my gfs roommate and Dalton is a really nice guy ! Big sweet heart

cupcakes5 replied 3575 days ago

I like your a really beautiful girl

Awe thank you :)

cupcakes5 replied 3575 days ago

Idk who you are but i'd take you to a nice restaurant and treat you nice if you want?

Who is this ? :)

cupcakes5 replied 3575 days ago

Id treat ya like a princess

Would you ?

cupcakes5 replied 3575 days ago

What's your number

Inbox me for it

cupcakes5 replied 3575 days ago