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i forgot my homework at home..
aw, thanks! i bet you are too, just if i can see you.
a lot of things.
hey travelz! you're very nice & cute, you & mary are so adorable! by the way, we should meet up one day.
oh god, that'll be awkward.
she's friends with my cousin. why?
hey catherine! you're so cute & pretty, we barely talk but meh. you have small eyes, hehe. we should catch up!
um, i never said i was a year 7... lol. plus, how do you know i'm not thirteen. look at my passport, oh wait you didn't see it... so just **** off & mind your own **** business.
hey angel! you're my babe & i love you. you're one of the prettiest girls i know! you have the best relationship ever & its adorable. we should meet up some day, hehe.
hey paul! you're gay. haha, kidding! you're one of the few guy best friends i've ever had. you're really cute & nice! omfg, you know where i live.. please don't stalk or tell anyone! okay, bye thanks.
hehe, thank you!
um, i feel uncomfortable.