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Dakoda Pearson


ask away :)

299 Replies

People seem to judge you but honestly I think that you seem like a nice girl and have a heart of gold.

People can think what they want.

dakoda.pearson5 replied 2507 days ago

Did u love him

Dumb question

dakoda.pearson5 replied 2507 days ago

Beutiful person ?


dakoda.pearson5 replied 2507 days ago

Why are you so pretty ?


dakoda.pearson5 replied 2507 days ago

Why did you bash that Emily chick in December? She did nothing too you

lol **** your a dumb dog aye she did do somethin n it's none of your fcken business ya nosey rat

dakoda.pearson5 replied 2778 days ago

I seen you at the shops, you haven't even given up weed and I only judge you as honestly it make you look like a no hoper

Well thanks, but if you wanna see a no hoped I'll fcken show you who a couple no hopers are.

dakoda.pearson5 replied 3035 days ago

Smoking weed at 14 wow how proud you must be. Your parents teach you that?

1- i don't smoke weed thank you very i quit and even tho i did smoke it wtf is it to you? like honestly why do you even care?? there's nothing wrong with it & honestly if your just sit there behind a screen & judge me but not have the calls to say it to my face you can seriously just fck off!
& 2- it's my life, not yours. if you don't have enough balls to show your user name or come say that sht to me in person then once again just fck off. your opinion of me & my choice are non existent to me. i couldn't give two flying fcks what you think of me because quite frankly i know your only trying to drag me down to make your self feel better.
now i'd much appreciate it you just lived your own life and kept the hell outta mine.

dakoda.pearson5 replied 3056 days ago

Thoughts on this girl named Zarlia?

why do you care so much??

dakoda.pearson5 replied 3056 days ago

What's your thoughts on this girl named Zarlia?

why does that consern you?

dakoda.pearson5 replied 3056 days ago

Fcuk you! If you wanna get on drugs watch who you involve

i'm not on any drugs but think what you like.

dakoda.pearson5 replied 3056 days ago

thoughts on Gemma ????

no comment.

dakoda.pearson5 replied 3056 days ago

you should get off the drugs and try and live in the real world

ummm sorry love but i'm not on drugs ??

dakoda.pearson5 replied 3067 days ago

what she has done is the past shouldn't effect you now so leave her alone and leave her alone!!!

inbox me ?

dakoda.pearson5 replied 3074 days ago

hi,to all the people talking crap about this girl, it has nothing to do with you leve her alone and worry about your own lives

thank you :)

dakoda.pearson5 replied 3074 days ago

why do u wanna bash her?

those reasons do not concern you

dakoda.pearson5 replied 3094 days ago