Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
year 7: Will Spain and Esposito, Mackenzie Ryan year 8: Michael, Jackson, Frankie, Joey Madz, Christian, Zach, Vinnie p, PJ, definitely not brandon :) Sienna, Ash, Tera, Meg and Imogen xo
it’s called a sense of humour, sorry for having one
I dunno hahahahaha
Harry styles
eat malts
Dust lol
My friends lol
Hahahahaha ur a cutie, very funny & small and good to talk to, easily my fave year 7 ahahhahaha
Pls get better questions
"You look hot today" - liua hahahhahahahahah
Good and cause
Cray, cray and crayyyyyyyyyyyyyy
No hahahahahhahah
Nah boyt
Just one boyt
Harry styles
Hehe no woz
I don't put songs on repeat anymore because Demi gets angry hehe
Poor morris :((((((((((( ahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahhaaahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahshhahahahahahhahahahha
Nah not really
Eat heaps of food and hang around with my friends because they make me happy :))
Yes!!! God is my Heavenly Father and I am so thankful he came to sheryl in a dream and told her to give us that letter, which isn't creepy at all
Just watched a movie called wolves, it was fkn horrible and lord it can't even be classified as a movie because it was that bad
When it comes to food, yeah
Hahahahahhahah ask joey
Watching tv
Omg how desperate are you hahahahahhahahahahahhahshshhaha, if you want to know ask him your self
"this is the dumbest question I've ever heard" - demi
Omg ahahahahhahhaha no one
I have no idea ahahhaha
iPhone 3 ahahhahahahahhaha
Eat and sleep
Harry styles
Lol I don't know and I don't care
Dem & mads xx
Eating malts
Nothing, hes yuck
Omg I don't really care
Mum because I forgot my toothbrush
Eh don't know
Edie!!!! You're so nice, funny, stunning and a great friend!! Can't wait for netball!! Love you heaps xxxxxx
Project free tv isn't working, fml
Whoever is with theo James right now, yum
DANNY!!!!! You're one of the nicest guys, very funny and good to talk to, we have some great chats!! Such a great friend :)
Mum xo
Bush tucker
This is the dumbest question ever
Lol I just got back from the supermarket soooo heaps of food
HAHAHAHHAHAHAH omg, you're alright I guess :////// xx
Love you heaps kia!!! One of my good friends, so nice, friendly, very funny and gorgeous!! Hate that we don't have any classes together :/ xoxox
You're so nice, very funny, gorgeous and one of the most genuine girls ever!! Love you heaps xxxxxx
There's a few
Science, religion or humanities
Yeah and you laughed so much so I ignored you
When I slipped in mud and my shorts looked like ****
Daks, dakie, dakiedakdaks and Dixie hahahahhahhahha
Not this bloody question again, c'mon qooh me
Hey Jacob mate
Hahahahaha you're so funny, very nice, great friend and you make me lol heapssssssss
A month ago when I watched if I stay :///
You're really nice, good to talk to, funny and you send the best snapchats ahhahahhahahah, ur a great lad
u r a funny person, very nice, you're a model and you make me laugh cause you're so dumb with you and your willy wonker **** hahahhahahhahahahhas and you give me so much tension I'm going to have to buy a stress ball, you're also such a great friend and I can tell you anything, very trustworthy, you're also stupid with you and your comments and you're sista is awesome
You're so nice, great friend, funny and you make me laugh
getting a blood test
I dunno mate
You my friend are delusional
Wouldn't know, don't speak to him HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHHAHH
Who are u
Hahahahhahahhaha I love every type of pasta, probably penne though
To many
You are a babe, so stunning, nice and I can tell you everything. Ily xoxox
Some perfume, clothes, lots of jewellery, selfie stick, money, chocolate, couple of CDs and going to Darwin in July :)
All of my family and friends
Don't know don't care :)
For qooh me to stop asking stupid questions :)
being taller than everyone :/
Year 6: Taylah Rahmel. Year 7: Richard. Year 8: everyone. Year 9: Caitlyn Muscatello. Year 10: Rhi Toms and Chloe Stephens. Year 11: Dormo. Year 12: Maddy Toms
Taylah Rahmel xo
Nuffin, love them all xoxox
Demi toms
How can a day look like something? Dumbbbbbb