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Ask me anything you like anonymously

95 Replies

What's your Instagram username? ?


dancing_queen01 replied 2427 days ago

Keen for a relationship?

I'm really not looking for a relationship rn.

dancing_queen01 replied 2427 days ago

I couldn't have said any better true


dancing_queen01 replied 2427 days ago

It's not about being a coward or not its about letting you know * not bullying you * just looking out for you because maybe iam too scared to tell you because if you know who i was you might be hurt or even more offende than you already are

Why don't we just exercise lifting each other up instead of trying to break each other down.

dancing_queen01 replied 2427 days ago

How can I message you?

DM me on insta

dancing_queen01 replied 2427 days ago



dancing_queen01 replied 2427 days ago



dancing_queen01 replied 2427 days ago

What if i am giving you valuable advice and I actual respect you well enough to tell it to your face instead of laughing be hide your back

there is a difference between advice and opinion. You're already being a coward and laughing seeing as you're on here. Message me personally if you're Brave enough.

dancing_queen01 replied 2427 days ago

It would be better if u were standing up for cancer since that's an actual problem and gender equality and that rubbish is a myth

Maybe you should look at the definition of myth. Or try and understand what gender fluidity and gender equality is, before you dismiss it so carelessly. No person would do something so drastic if there wasn't a purpose. I'm also standing up for those girls who lose their hair and think their ugly. Your outward appearance does not reflect your inner beauty. This is the message I'm trying to bring across.

dancing_queen01 replied 2427 days ago

That haircut was a mistake

If you think it's okay to try bully people anonymously then you're very much mistaken. Lucky your opinion doesn't matter to me.

dancing_queen01 replied 2427 days ago

Why'd you shave ur head?

I am standing up for gender fluidity and gender equality. And your beauty is not defined by what you look like but who you are as a person.

dancing_queen01 replied 2498 days ago 1

do you have cancer

??? I was waiting for that question. I do not. I am standing up for gender fluidity and gender equality. And your beauty is not defined by what you look like.❤

dancing_queen01 replied 2498 days ago

Why you leave edgemead

I got a dancing scholarship at elkanah house

dancing_queen01 replied 2499 days ago

How would you describe your personality and what are you looking for right now?

I am very focused on growing and being a better person for myself and everyone around me. I spend a lot of time dedicating my time to a healthy lifestyle and surrounding myself with people who give off good vibes. I'm looking for stability and simplicity.

dancing_queen01 replied 2518 days ago

Are you single?


dancing_queen01 replied 2522 days ago