i never said she was hating on me all i said was i am not the one with **** about me on her qoohme, **** meaning i dont understand why it is there not **** as in she is talking she about me
why are you giving Gabby hate?
why the hell would i be giving gabby hate, she is the one with all this **** about me on her qoohme
what happened today at school?
if you knew me well enough I would tell you
A person you can rely on to always be there for you?
amalia cuda
amalia, milly, amy, hannah and anthea
milly Whithead?
great girl, very funny and miss our chats
From the boys at St Justin's if u had to pick one who would u go out with
inbox me and i will honestly tell you who i would go out with, I dont want to tell the whole world
Do you think amalia is a pain in the as* or annoying ?
no, why the hell would I think that she is my best friend
Any year 8's you want to get to know at Avila
no not really 1
I miss catching the D bus with u!!!!!!!
aw, i miss you too !
what happened with you and Milly's group?
if you new me well enough you would no wouldnt you. it is really none of your business
best friends in your class? top 5
alessandra, maggie, sinead, tamara and georgia
The best movie so far in 2014?
endless love
Thoughts on Nathan De Luca ?
went to the same primary school
dont talk to him anymore though
It smells like your Muma mamma Mia pizzeria!
ahhahahh omg never gets old
Hottest guys at mazenod?
dont know a hot guy from mazenod
One person you can trust?
i can trust more than one person
Best friends?
i have already answered that
You are gorgeous and have a great personality wish I was you!
aw but please my life isnt that great
amy, milly, chiara, hannah, amalia, anthea
thoughts on rochelle?
omg i love her so much
Thoughts on amalia??
best friend !!
if you had to choose one best friend who would it be?
no words :(
well if you take it off anon i might no who you are
top three best friends? give thoughts on all three of them (:
Amalia - no words
Paige - she is just beautiful
Anthea - been my best friend for 2 years
wont be the same next year not being in your homeroom :'(
i know :)
haha come on u must no who I am.
sorry i dont
who do you like?
someone ! ooo
do u love me ?? wink wink.nudge nudge
sorry dont know who you are
thoughts on rochelle,tanisha,katrina,carle,amalia,lauren G, milly w,brooke j,keely w,lucia,claudia h,miki,paige,cassy
Rochelle - one word amazing
Tanisha - one of the nicest girls ever
Katrina - funny
Carly - so nice
Amalia - best friend
Lauren G - so kesh
Milly - one of the funniest girls ever
Brooke - best friend
Keely W - amazing to talk to
Lucia - used to be friends now we don't talk
Claudia - pretty
Miki - funny
Paige - best friend
which cassy
What would you do this year If you had no fear ?
asked the guy i like out
Are you stil close with amalia because it looks like you have just left her for other people.?
amalia is my best friend and just because i talk to other people doesnt mean i care less about her. i still love her and she is still my best friend <3
danilea I dont know how you convince amaila.Your good
please spell my name write thanks :) its spelt DANIELA ! have a good life
leave me and daniela alone. you obviously don't like how we r so close and get along. so backoff AmaliaCuda
stop using amaila
who ever the **** is saying that I use amalia is rediculous! I want an explanation on how I so called use her because I really have no idea ! you have no life coming on my qoohme and saying I use my best friend do you really have no life! I feel bad for you because you don't have a friendship like me and amalia so you think it is ok to just try and talk her in to thinking I'm using her when I'm not! hey ***hole get a life
who else would it be that is crazy.
I don't have any other crazy friends like you <3
ma va funculo who sre you. come on danii
I knew it was you ! I was joking <3 love you
thankyou for always be there on my side no matter if I am wrong or right. you are a beautiful girl and a fabulous person. if it wasnt for you I think I would have more loose screws then I already have. ily xx
omg this is so beautiful and nice <3 ily
by the way who are you ?
Who is your best friend! If you could only choose one who would it be??
omg drully has to get together in the outside world
omg i agree
are you close with your sisters?
yes :)
are you close with your parents especially your mum?
yes i am close with both my parents :)
are you close with laura
and as well steph
yes :)
holy ****balls you are so annoying
if i knew who you were i would be annoying just to piss you off. how do you feel about that, oh wait i dont give a ****
thoughts on paige
What places have you been to in America and how long were you in New York for last year :)
I went to LA, Vegas, Orlando, Hawaii, stop over in Dallas and New York. I spent 4 days in NY
why do some days you hang out with Rochelle's group and then some days you hang out with Anthea ?
why cant i? is the real question
What happened to Anthea and Claudia yesterday?
not my business to tell why dont you ask one of them ??
 ma va funculo buttana. who ever u r I will hunt u down... dani dw im here.
thanks anon :)
dani does have friends she will always be my friend no matter what. I have already known her for ages and whoever u r can go get a life because u have nothing bettwr to do than have a go at people. ma va funculo buttana. dani I will always be here for you xx AmaliaCuda
thanks amalia !! BFFL no matter what any one says
Why didnt you get me something from hawaii
maybe if i knew who you were i would tell you why
thoughts on lucia
we used to be close now we dont talk
you backstab people!
and who is it that i supposedly backstab?
you have no best friends for life
and you know that because you know who i am going to be friends with in the future
your so nice!
thanks anon :)
you think your so cool! but guess what you are!
idk :/
thoughts on zak
we use to be close but not anymore
aww dani xx ur my sistee too but first puzza needs to take me to see her house!!
ahah love you<3 soon i swear
Thoughts on dee
she is amazing.
thoughts on mali?
my bestfriend. we are so alike and i can always talk to her about anything. my sister
thoughts on makenna?
she makes my laugh and she is beautiful inside and out! i think she understands me
do u miss me??
if i knew who you were i might tell you :)
thoughts on laura, in you class?
she is really nice and pretty <3
- maeve
I think maeve is amazing I just don't talk to her as much as I talk to others in the class! I still love her though
your beautiful i LOOVE YA!
hey its brooke (:
thanks Brooklyn <3
hey whatss up
hey, nothing much you ?
u r a fab singer dani i hve heard u in secrecyxx bff
please stop saying I can sing when I can't
cassie is right, you can. i agree with her :)
she isn't right whoever this is, have you ever heard me sing anyway ?
Blah blah blah. You can sing so stop saying you can't. :P
I can't ok CASSIE
Its pointless to look around.
Didn't I tell you? I'm not in here!
- A
HOW'D YOU KNOW WE WERE LOOKING AROUND?! you are in here, lol
A isn't in this room.
but she is watching
- A
I think you're pretty. And yes you can sing!!!! :D Guess who.
I know who is pretending to be A....
Would you like to know?
I can tell you....
WHHOOOOOOOOOO !!!!????????
i know who A is.
A can't be rochelle, brooke or maeve.
their name doesn't start with A.
who does ?
- A
look at paiges screen now
why don't you like me and why aren't you replying?
i have wanted you to inbox me for ever, so we could talk about us.
don't you want to do that?
inbox me please i might feel the same way or not.. ahaha
When I can no longer
depend on my muse
to guide heart and hand.
Pen and paper lying
beside me, not a word
forth coming.
Paper turning yellow
with age, my eyes close
for the last time, I
breathe my final breath
can I forget you?
no you cant forget me !
your so pretty
i really like you
and apparently you like me too
inbox me please ?
i don't have qoohme so i had to ask anonymosly...
but please inbox me xx
i dont know who you are, just inbox me! ahah
I love my love
As love should love
But you never love
As my love should love me.
do you daniela?
this doesnt make sense ! ahah
aww thanks<3
My love for you
Is more delicate
Than new leaves
Of spring.
^ it's true, there is a guy out there that really likes you. your hurting him by not acknowledging him.
HOW AM I HURTING HIM?! its his fault, how am i supposed to know who it is?? hahahah
i have heard you have lots of new friends in your class?
top 3 ?
i will do top 6 (NO ORDER)
i will care about you and make you laugh!
you said that is what you look for in a guy...
grow some balls and inbox me
i really like you, like more than a friend. inbox me if you think you know who i am. please.
how am i supposed to know who it is, its on anon. haha. just inbox me if you like me :) i promise i dont bite
roses are red,
violets are blue,
oh daniela moretti,
Im not good enough for you :(
lol ok
you haven't inbox me yet
i want to tell you i like you
inbox me
hey babe, think your really hot. inbox me ?
inbox me
then who do you hang out with now?
amalia, rochelle, tanisha, carly and katrina :)
thoughts on Paige xx
one of my best friends. words can't describe her
wwat do u look for in a guy?
someone that cares about me and someone that will make me laugh! they also have to laugh at mine jokes too :)
thoughts on amalia
most amazing girl ever! I can always talk to her about anything! love her like a sister
dani always will be there for u no matter what this isn't the sameperson as before. You're awesome girl! xx
thanks anon :) inbox me
why don't you hang out with anthea and logan and all them anymore?
why don't you ask them ??
without being creepy, i just thought you should know that there is someone out there who loves you more than you could love anyone. i care about you, and ill always be right by your side to make sure no one ever tries to hurt you. i love you baby girl
awwwwww, thanks anon <3 inbox me
thoughts on katrina :)
what a babe, love her <3
thoughts on paige harris? <3
i love her, she is amazing even though sometimes she doesn't believe me !
honest thoughts on de Arne
we are alright now things could be better, we arent bestfriends but we will get there one day.