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I'd question his/her actual existance haha
Mad kid, funny,sick to be around, the homie
Abit late aren't ya, hahaha **** off
When they just do what every one else does,and does the same **** over and over again
Didn't lie to anyone haha
On my way mgk
One of my closest friends,great to be around,funny as and sickkkkk :p
Umm idk,probably something makayla wojcik said.
Shannon keenes :)
Close minded,ignorant f u c k s.
I don't know,that doesn't matter to me haha
Yes ffs
Jayden lock
Nothing really
I can't sorry,I'm eating
Who the **** is Jacob canty lol
Mate,weed is bad for you,get some help brah.
Def hahahaha
Atleast till 40-45,after that it's cool to pass.
Is she
Not anymore
Thanks :)
It's freezing ya weird c u n t
Wake up
Oh yeh
Cos it goes with everything haha
How am I using her hahaha
Well we were mates but then he turned into a wanker and accused me of trying to get with his troll doll girlfriend
In your bed
Who's shannon
Hey monster
**** I love you **** hahahahahahahahahaa ahahahaha a
10 brah
How ahahah
I wouldn't date her... Hahahah plus she has boyfriend you idiot
Nah not at all hahahaahaha
Yeah man
Thanks aha
hahahahaahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah omg what
My mum for sure,there other people to I just can't think
Sometimes I get annoyed being around you and makayla,but ya nice,funny,and usually good to be around
Quick hahaha
Just answered
Tbh Teleea haha
Hahaha drop him some roofies
Shannon? hahaahaha
What's ip
Nice as,funny,have a great personality and yeah :)
Sometimes ya hot,nice at times and funny haha :P
Skinny jeans
HAHAAH what makes ya think that
People who pretty much repeat the same cycle continuously
James Andrew lock
Ohhh haha nah
Roczniak? Yeah aha
nice as,great to talk too,hot as and funny haha :)
Idk ahaha don't really care about it to be honest.
I don't even know ahah
No one.
Aww your tough as,wish I had as much guts as you to go on anon.
What was sample
Don't even think im gonna do deb haha.
Haha thanks I guess.
Obviously ahahah
Year 9 ;teleea bux , year 10; I dunno haha
Who the **** are you haha
Teleea,Ellie and I don't have a 3rd haha
What do ya want ya little **** ****
Can be nice,and funny
Good Sam
Hot as,funny,and good to talk too (:
Oh fine then
Sam has good eyes
How **** this world is haha.
Well I've never met her,but she's great to talk to :)
Oh god no,she found me