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Danielle Flocas


Ask me anything you like anonymously

18 Replies

Ever had a crush on a friend if yes ,who was it ?

Yes, hah.. Not saying who..

daniflocas replied 4148 days ago 1

how many hands is your horse?

15.2, Why?

daniflocas replied 4152 days ago

Is it possible to escape the friendzone ?Give a reason for your answer

Yes, but um i don't really know how..

daniflocas replied 4152 days ago

Honest opinion on
Rose mckeown
Tom murray
Kai bramsted
Grace burke
abbey maxwell
jack montgomery

Rose; Beautiful girl, so nice, she thrrew an orange at me :( ;)rnTom; Don't really know him. Seems like a f***** though.rnKai; Funny as! Don't know him well thoughrnGrace; nice girl. Don't think she likes mernAbbey; so pretty! Really friendly towards me, don't talk muchrnJack; So hot! Nice as, great guy! Haven't spoken for a while though!

daniflocas replied 4152 days ago

Name a movie that made you or nearly made you to cry?

Spirit :(

daniflocas replied 4157 days ago

Thoughts on,
Andre T
Liam H
Max D
Alec F?

Andre- Love him! One of my closest friends, so nice, attractive and just funny as! Liam- so funny and nice, would be good to be closer friends! Max- Funny as! Nice and attractive! Alec- Don't know him well, but he's in my math class and seems lovely!

daniflocas replied 4165 days ago

Name 3 people you trust?

Hmm, Tess, Molly and Andre!

daniflocas replied 4165 days ago

Would you take a bullet for a friend even if it kills you?

I don't really have 'friends' that actually like me right now so no.. probs not.

daniflocas replied 4168 days ago 1

Worst Mistake You ' ve ever Made ?

Moving to Inverloch.

daniflocas replied 4185 days ago

Have you ever been friendzoned?

Yes! Oh my gosh, ****test thing..

daniflocas replied 4189 days ago

josh josh josh josh josh :) jabd729572n

Luke luke luke luke luke :)

daniflocas replied 4204 days ago 1

Root me on Saturday?

No Louis

daniflocas replied 4239 days ago

do u even lift

Of course I do ;)

daniflocas replied 4240 days ago

Do you root on the first date?

No. Haha,

daniflocas replied 4240 days ago

Who is your crush?

I don't really like anyone in that way right now.

daniflocas replied 4241 days ago