Thought on neash mcdonald
she goes alright
she knows who she is
Missing anyone?
yeah have been for a while
What would you change in your past?
realize what i had and appreciate it
You eat A$$ for cash
toms a rat in the walls of society
How do you rip a phat vape?
toms a rat in the walls of society
Honest thoughts on neash mcdonald?
toms a rat in the walls of society
Your replies fcking s*ck
Stop eating so much A$$
toms a rat in the walls of society
How come?
school wasn't working for me and i wanted to take a different path in my life i gess
Do you still go to gissy sec?
nope left
Whats annoying you right now?
my past decisions
How did you meet your bestfriend ?
Through my other freinds
You're really ugly
but your mum loves me for that
Just cause you go to the gym doesn't mean your all muscle you actually need to do cardio and hanging around at the skate park doesn't count cause it's piss weak just like you
lmao just enjoying skating atm chilling, and its a form of cardio so your knowledge is piss weak.
Last song you played before replying to this ?
asap rocky- long live asap
You are just to $exy
aw thanks fi
are you doin vce next yr
dunno yet :0
When was the last time you did something for the first time? What was it?
i trick at the skatepark
whos ur deb partner ?
monika why
do you have a thing with anyone
yeah :D
What was the last thing that got stolen from you?
Who do you like?
Mmmmm someonef
who are you jealous of ?
No one:D
What are you trying to prove to yourself?
That i can take down dr.evil
Why not, who cares
What are we talking about?
What did you find out?
lmao cant say on here
what days do you go to gym
everyday why
Is your dck really 18 inchs wide?
if you want it to be
Why in such a good mood?
just found something out lmao
fck how hot was Jenny on Friday bro
lmao wut
How do you think you are most likely to die?
skin cancer
are u even mad at candice anymore? she's cooler
hakuna matata
Just say
Why do you want to know xD
Who do u like?
Inbox me ?
What did Tasmann do to you
Not worth saying
Y aren't u and candice talking anymore? Thought u two were close
Cause im cool
What is the most expensive thing you own ?
Probably my bike
If money was no concern, what would you do for the rest of your life?
I just assumed you were, seeing as that's where most accidents happen.
When you do it twice
I just assumed you were, seeing as that's where most accidents happen.
When you do it twice
Were you born on a highway?
nah we got to the hospital safely
Yeah stop writing sht on my qoohme. Thanks x TasmannSteane
i havent .....
How pathetic can you get? Pretending to be Tasmann Hahahaha candicecrane
why's everyone hating on Tasmann lol
Lmao just some pointless sht
Your dogs are so ugly they almost look as disabled as you
Lmao okay tasmann
Haha we all know its tasmann on your qohhme, dont worry about her she's a pathetic human been.
Hahah thanks ikr
Are you planning on becoming a bodybuilder
Just a hobby
How much do you bench bro
You are a C.U.N.T
Wow bro get some chill 100%
You try too hard at trying to be different
Lol wut didn't know i was different
Thoughts on Jenny?
Easy to get along with chill as pretty talk more now✌
Why are you so fcking ugly
Is this coming from the poster child for abortions?
If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything ok ?
its a bit rude to run into people
What is your motto?
dont worry be happy
What are you doing this weekend
nothing much just chills listening to some beats and taking photos :)
what happend with you and candice
nothing worth talking about
You're obviously gay just saying
thats so bad omg
I know !! Somtimes my potato
What's the worst thing you've ever done?
Not eat my peas
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck would chuck wood lmao
One thing you wanna do before U die?
Jump if a mountain with a gliding suit
Hottest girl (The one you keep talking about)
Have u been to $exy land
Yeah i bought a item from there
Aw thx for missing me
Um?? Whos this drunk?
Missing someone at the moment?
Yeah quite a bit actually :(
hottest girls at gsc??
you have asked this like 5 times and ill say again. theres only one
Lol who's sister would like you hahahah
Do you like someone
Read my qohme
Ur not even big
i know bigger then you though hahah :)
Candice is cuter than you
she's pretty cute but i am alot more dunno how you got that
Geez Louise you think about someone a lot
I watch you in class and your always staring out the window thinking about stuff ha what are you thinking about??
Just someone . Ps sounds bit creepy watching me.
I don't need to because you do
what makes you think that haha
I know I'm cute
Hah neep telling yourself that
Y r u confused????
Just some personal stuff/feelings for peeps:/
Ur so white lmao aw
Whites the new tan
Ugh I will just watching a movie
Okay! :)
Ur my inspiration
Aw cute
Do you even lift ?
I try look at my insta
Fav song
The mighty jungle or whatever haha
Or Julie
Ugh should snap me
Hey it's crystal
I dont know a crystal ?
Top 5 hottest girls at gsc?
already did this ha theres hot ones but not compared to her
Whos this crystal chick
Whos this
Whats rong?
Why would someone be with them:/
that wasn't an answer
Wasn't it?
Thoughts on Candice
Qoohme wont let me right that much
Thoughts on Tasmann
Nice funny great to taalk to math bud really nice to much to say
I heard you talking about a crystal chick whos that
How big is your p****
To big