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nt really..
i wuld expres myself to her n if she dn't fil the same way i wuld tel ha am joking tho i
jst shows how sad she is..& i dn't gve a Sugar Honey Ice Tea bwt it so stop updatin me bwt wat she's duin cz life nevr goes backwards jst forward so tella move on cz i surely have dne so..:p
because the search 4the one hasn't died in me yet
heard evry1 is invited part 4rm u..
is it ur money am spending? Futsek!!
y ax me? Ax her urself..if u planin on makin a move on ha mek sure ur extremely smart cz ha brain is gud luck wif that
na brav. Jst a new luk..
nun of ur biz & hw did yu knw bout that?? U freakin me out dude
if u knew me u already knew the answer before the question.. Just huk up the date
hmm tela i wna c ha 1st wamva kha
thats hw he is..likes to tease pipo arwnd ya
mwina..i mean ***on who am i to judge that?
if u knew me u'd know am the pressure so watch wat u say young man or lady
wat can i say...*** lemme return the favor by u knw.;)
yup thats my 1 and only mother..i appreciate ha giving birth 2me with all my heart
family dont crush on each other
na mike is that guy who was wearin a bandage on his arm in pracatatumba..not cabo snoop
apenas enquanto i *** em você:p
how do u knw that?
we all speak jox we all have *exy accents no homo
sure thing.. U can even dwnload it on
i never knew & glad u think so bu..inbox me l8a on ya
nope and medium highted soundz much betr than ur description
ofcorz i did..hehe mesa t'was u who did me that
is it true u lost ur viginity to ur hand?
zimenezo ndimadziwa kmanso ndimalimbila mtima mayi ako chifukwanso nawo nde anawamana ma luks kuposa ine kaya wat was ur dad thinkin kuwavaila
am i being pranked or sumfin ?
cz i choose wisely
I cant remember..but she was the sweetest gal i ever met
if i had 2choose 2 i'd pick weed & beer but since its 1.. i choose weed & beer :P
are u stalking me?
coz i stoped..
jst ax ur friend again
i just answered this
.... Dn't rilly knw.. But gota have luks,curves a good personality with a light skin to go with it,black is stil ok as long as it isn't darker than i..hehe
this is pathetic
ask your mother..
difficult to ansa.. Eu não sei u então eu não posso realmente dizer.. So watchu say?
yap.. Y?
no reason but i suggest distance has sumfin to do with this
hmm..i think ts cz i cn't seem 2find the ryt typ
1stly am a has been and still got wat it teks to be thea 2nd of all i stoped cursin so please stop this rubbish u tryna bring about..
if dating someone who puts makeup on and wear's skirts then yes yes iam..
hmm the lists 2long 2mention
friendly,moody,& extremely funny
well there was a rumour circulated that i was dating some chick i didn't even talk2 which was weird
my phone