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Daryl-Anne Barns


Ask me anything you like anonymously

29 Replies

do you like anyone?

urrrrm no haha. still not ready for any of that kind of stuff.

dawdaw replied 4471 days ago

Would you say Caleb is THE one?

honestly? yes. but fate has funny ways of working. I guess we aren't meant to be together right now but who knows what life and fate has installed..

dawdaw replied 4497 days ago

On a scale of 1-10. 1 being ugz as f*** and 10 being drop dead gorgeous, what is Callian?



dawdaw replied 4497 days ago

On a scale of one to awesome how cool is Kate Smylie?? (this is not Kate)

Hehehehe well she's pretty damn awesome ;) I think she would be an awesome :D

dawdaw replied 4504 days ago 1

In a comment below you said you sushied you exs car, did you sushi aarons car? why?

Yes yes I know it was bad it was only a prank I apologized to everyone and no I didn't but we had a break and just didn't get back together, he didn't break my heart.

dawdaw replied 4509 days ago

whatz the worst thing youv eva done?

I once put paste on this girls seat in year 1 and was hoping she would stick to it, sadly I got sent to the bad kid corner :(

dawdaw replied 4509 days ago

Caleb is the worst thing that ever happened to you, why have you not realized this yet?

Why do you say that..?

dawdaw replied 4509 days ago

Whats the story ?

its a bit too public to write on here...

dawdaw replied 4513 days ago 1

Why do I never see you out anymore? What happened to you and your friends.

depends who this is haha I dont like going out on town etc to drink, too much effort and stuff! would rather stay local :) try to avoid people incase they start to hate on me :( haha well.. what friends? long story really

dawdaw replied 4514 days ago

how many guys have you kissed

5 :)

dawdaw replied 4515 days ago

is it true that you gave birth to a baby in the toilet last year and then gave it to a homeless man

yes. not proud ok. I needed the dollars.

dawdaw replied 4515 days ago

well yeah i guess you don't like going out much cause you got fb at home! it's your life your choices tho.

huh?? haha just ask me to hang out I can't know what everyone wants, and fo yo info I'm not on facebook when I'm at home, I'm moping around for fools like you to hang out with me xD

dawdaw replied 4515 days ago



dawdaw replied 4515 days ago

Is it true that you have an STI from an old work mate

NOOO!! hahaha! ew that is so sick we only kissed xD unless he had a coldsore which technically is herpes then no, hahaha thank you for that that made me laugh!

dawdaw replied 4515 days ago

cause we used to hang out like all the time now you're just staying at home n stuff... :O

haha well whoever this is just ask me to hang out I'm always free! I cant know all this stuff! plus I dont like going out much now :/ lots of crappy shi* has gone on so I find that staying at home I'm safe :)

dawdaw replied 4515 days ago