Why did u remove ur qooh
took a break from errthang
deeex replied
2434 days ago
My precious darling ?
Damn ?
deeex replied
2468 days ago
Oh and I forgot to mention that I don't have to have your number ,but I will always be here making you feel like gold because that's what you are to me
woah okay this is creepy
Waking up every morning loving you more and more each day more then the last ? daniëlle you are amazing ???,if only you knew how much you actually mean to me
tell me who you are please okay at least tell me, do you have my number ?
Why dont you wanna give your number to the boys at your school
My whole school has my number lol ??? we’re like 50 students
Who is Koko dating
My brother in law ?? you don’t have to know ask her if you wanna know
U are a beaut
I appreciate you ?
deeex replied
2484 days ago
It would help if you replied to my messages on Instagram so you would know who I am
Msg me again
deeex replied
2487 days ago
I shall not give away my identity but I shall forever have you in my heart ? daniëlle
No tell me wtf
deeex replied
2488 days ago
Do you got nice toes ?
I dunno?
deeex replied
2488 days ago
When last did you kiss
Whenever last I saw my berk ,
deeex replied
2488 days ago
You think you’re so ugly but you not
I am ugly fml ?
Why are you still awake ?
Bcos I can’t sleep
Your attitude inspirese me ❤
What attitude ?
Inspire* dear and thank you ?
I feel attached to you ,it's just an effect you have on me ,a feeling that I can't explain and a rush that I've never felt before,it's ultimately the best feeling I've ever had and I don't wanna lose that ♥️?
Tell me who you are ? Please
deeex replied
2493 days ago
Can i please get your number because i lost mine ??❤
O72 didn’t think so too .
082 not for you .
deeex replied
2493 days ago
I'm scared of the fact that if I reveal myself you just might block me out
P L E A S E reveal yourself , dm me or if you have my number msg me
deeex replied
2493 days ago
You and Damon ?
are friends ?. Spread the big news.
deeex replied
2493 days ago
Is Andrea Abraham’s pregnant and r u friends
Yes she is and yes we are ?♥️
what do you think about people that lie about pregnancy?
I think those people just want attention?
I wake up every morning thinking of new ways to make you happy and go to bed every night wondering when will we be together , because you mean that much to me
When you tell me who you are .
If it were up to me ,I'd choose to spend every moment showing you how much I love you but you don't even know it ???we don't talk as yet but hopefully soon you will know who I am
If it were up to me , I would be in joburg rn .
You are so perfect in every way? , I never believed that you could mean so much to me even though we are worlds apart you will always be in my heart ?
you’re pretty sweet ♥️
deeex replied
2496 days ago
closest friends ?
do honestly need to mention ?.
deeex replied
2497 days ago
If I gave you all my love and I gave you all my trust would be able to handle it ? ?
nah .
deeex replied
2497 days ago
Bet you wax
& so what if I do ? It’s got nothing to do with you anyway
deeex replied
2497 days ago
Definitely the sparkle in my eyes ,the most precious part of my life ,you have no idea how much you mean to me ?
Who is this ? ?
deeex replied
2498 days ago
which book have you finished recently?
Haven’t finished any recently but I’m reading “Extremely loud and incredibly close”
deeex replied
2499 days ago
Do u have a boyfriend
No I don’t have one
You don’t reply to your qooh’s that’s why I don’t still qooh you
I do reply but these weirdo’s too much man
deeex replied
2499 days ago
Do you shave or wax your v*****
Why do you want to know aun ?
deeex replied
2501 days ago
Do you shave or wax your v*****
Omg ??? this is random af aun .
deeex replied
2501 days ago
you cheated on your berk in sun city , OMG , I’m gonna tell him
go tell him , idc we aren’t even together anymore lokl .
Btw it’s not cheating if we weren’t dating-dating ?.
When you were in sun city , did you have a boyfriend?
Why does this matter ??♀️?
do you know a Jadon ?
Yes I do ?. Why ?
If I DM’d you, would you reply?
Ya maybe
deeex replied
2502 days ago
Can I fck you from behind
no but you can fck away from me ?.
deeex replied
2508 days ago
virgin ?
No sht Sherlock
deeex replied
2509 days ago
Favorite movie , food , color , cooler , chocolate & series?
too many ?
Chicken nuggets & fries
Red Bull ???
Lindt cookies & cream
River dale & 13RW
deeex replied
2509 days ago
you make me upset
why ?
deeex replied
2510 days ago
are you turning Muslim ?
No I’m not .
I knew you were pregnant, I knew it from the start congrats so are you gonna turn Muslim now ?
are you stupid ?? You’re honestly so dumb stop spreading rumours ?.
Toufeeq is handsome ❤️& sweet you’re a lucky girl & he is lucky as well
thank you sm ?, but we aren’t together ??.
why baard ? You can do better
if you actually knew him , you’d understand ?.
Literally gonna ask me the same question whole time ?
deeex replied
2521 days ago
Damon can do a million times better then you it’s like such a downgrade from Nakita to you!
I’m not even with Damon ???, is it about looks ?
How old are you
16 turning 17
deeex replied
2522 days ago
why you so salty tonigh?
Cause Everyone’s vag????
deeex replied
2522 days ago
So what happened to Damon ?
Idk ? What happened to him ?
deeex replied
2523 days ago
what is going on between you and toufeeq ?
Bepaal vir jou by jou skoolbrood?.
deeex replied
2523 days ago
Quite $exy indeed
If that was true I wouldn’t be single boo ?? but thanks ?
Guess you need to remain at school to learn read and answer things ? you tried to be clever and say Vodka but really that was as childish as it comes
damn g your sentence construction got me gagging , read your qooh’s twice before sendin you dumb tief ?
deeex replied
2524 days ago
Are you still a virgin?
deeex replied
2524 days ago
Polony or an***?
deeex replied
2524 days ago
Omg those boo*s
my boots , yeah I know I bought them from Natalie’s ??
deeex replied
2525 days ago
Was baard w you last night ?
was he ? Idk, you tell me .
deeex replied
2525 days ago
I’m hungry ?
Well then you should probably eat ?.
deeex replied
2525 days ago
your so funny omg ?.
I am ? Thank you, I guess ?
deeex replied
2525 days ago
And your skin tone ?
I appreciate this ♥️
deeex replied
2525 days ago
Ahhg you are soo so $exy!!! ?
aaaaah I wish ??
What about him ?
deeex replied
2525 days ago
How do you maintain your figure?
I don’t, i eat my life away so idk
Hahaha yeah stomping could work. Any othet stepping ways to do it? ?
no wtf ?
Hahahaha good one. Bit more detail though?? Like how would you step on their fingers exactly? ?
how the hell am I supposed to answer that .
I’ll just like stomp on it ?
You answered that last qooh at quite the late hours of the morning??
may I not ??
Random question of the day. If you were on a balcony, saw two sets of fingers grabbing onto the edge, looked over the railing and saw a robber dangling below you, what would you do? In detail
Step on his fingers ?
Has your bikini top ever fallen off accidently?
Always ?. But my friends are fast ?.
thick vag and big b**ty , what more could a guy ask for ?
a nice personality dck head ?. Like it irritates me how that’s all that guys look at these days ?.
What instantly makes you attracted to a person?
Vocabulary ?.
deeex replied
2531 days ago
biscuits ???
deeex replied
2533 days ago
Who do you like ?
Everybody .
deeex replied
2533 days ago
When are you doing your next Instagram live ??
when I’m with my people ?
deeex replied
2533 days ago
Good morning beautiful ?? hope you have an amazing day and always smile because it brightens up my worst days
deeex replied
2533 days ago
if it’s a dm I won’t reply .
deeex replied
2533 days ago
Seeing the sun setting in your eyes ,loving every moment that we share,I can see the love coming from your smile , every time I see you I see happiness ?
okay so clearly you’ve met me but this is kak creepy ?. Who the f are you .
It is what it is you remind me of the moon ,always there to brighten up my darkest moments
Who are you ? Please dm me ?.
deeex replied
2536 days ago
Do you like Indian music?
I don’t think I’ve ever even heard Indian music
What made you happy today? 100+
seeing my best friend ?.
Every moment I see your name ,makes my heart melt and my soul is content , leaving me smiling and catching myself thinking about you all day day long ,you are amazing and worth every single minute of my life ?
look here please tell me who you are omg ??.
What’s up with you and Damon Wentzel ?
why do you want to know ?
Your smile always brightens up my mood after a long day
omgooooosh ??❤️❤️ thank you sm ?. These qoohs brightens up my day , I appreciate it ?
Daniëlle ,this is not a question it's more like statement except ,your personality is a gorgeous statement on its own
thank you sm ❤️. You made my day ?.
I like you ?
I like you too
what do you find priceless ?
my face when I try and do the shoot challenge ??.
deeex replied
2543 days ago
Your make up skills are goals af
can skaars do make up but ok
deeex replied
2543 days ago
why don’t you answer all your qooh
because the majority of it is the same so like wtf
deeex replied
2543 days ago
Send nudes
deeex replied
2543 days ago
who you vibing with ?
my mom ? our favorite music artist is K young
deeex replied
2546 days ago
Insta username?
Who is your celebrity crush?
Ashton Kutcher
Channing Tatum
James mutherfckin Franco ?
Drake, August , Bryson and Breezy ???.
What should people stop buying?
Red Bull cause whenever I go to the shop they never have ?.
If there was anyone you could meet, who would it be ?
my brother ?.
I don’t like you and your family and I don’t think your beautiful also your attitude is like Kuhk and you face even kuhker.
do you know what I call people like you ? Magwerk cause you’re KAK unnecessary and unwanted. If you don’t like me then that’s your opinion it’s got nothing to do with me, so keep your sht to yourself .
How do you eat so much. ?
cause I’m always hungry