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I dont know I dont really care either
I have been asked this before
Being double crossed I hate two faced bastards
I can be persuaded by money say in the sum of $5,000,000
I literally forgot I don't usually expect any and never really remember them anyway.
Nah mate who said this
Nah mate who is this
In myself I'm not going anywhere in life and I'm a dissapointment to my mates,my family and myself
Amsterdam :p
Watching a sporting event with a cold beer would be top notch
Haha theres been a few but im.not going to share ;)
Living on my own
Id be making sure that money would be used for a shiload of fun
A gunman because hed jave my back if **** got real
Square leg
I think highly of myself anon
Rsvp thats were youll find the real love. Thanks is not needed
Haha good one your hilarious
Sorry anonymus but you speak a crock of ****
Thanks mate
Sorry its cricket season has started come back in april
Lol anonymus im chuffed but no way mate you could a robert hughes
Im the fat controller tell you enough
Bye your probably isis
Shes not my favourite person far from it lol but the past is the past no point bringing it up for your entertainment
To many good ones
No one tbh because you would be lying if you say you would
Stuff all that i can think off so nothing.
Nothing i dont have nor want the power to change my friends
Long enough to travel the world. Unrealistic but hey many goals are
Journalist hence why its not my dream job.Im not qualified enough, skillful enough or possessed with a very good vocabluary as well punctuality.
nearly all of my mates only a couple who are not
none of them.
ahha no im not making that public.
haha im not dating anyone so tgis is a **** question
I dont believe in him but just say he did exist hed have to explain some things
Qoohme are you secretly a burglar god damn your a sneaky bastard ;)
Someone date me haha yeah have to find someone who isnt disgusted by me first
My loyalty
Plenty Of times. I say if they dont find you attractive they dont care at all
No set time i do not set patterns for myself
No one i think relying on someone else to motivate you means you dont have the will to motivate yourself to achieve in life
If they dont shake my hand pn first meeting then i dont respect them and it turns me off
Phil when hes being a creep
My mum an dad there a sorry excuse for one they abandoned me
Probably one of me three best mates aaron shane or tyler becquse there loyal mother*****s
My self confidence and the ablity to find a way to rub someone up the wrong way
Nothing to be honest
I dont know about you anon but i wouldnt be to keen on letting the whole public seeing me have *ex
Please who hasnt Of course i have
Nah i dont do drugs whos this asking the questions you coulda done it without being anonymus
2 a girl and boy
People that think there to good to be criticised instantly hate and turns me off of people i have person with intials of c.b as one that comes to mind
no one i dont lie
Kill someone
Finding a girl that is into me
I can live without them if I couldnt I need a life
Plenty of times haha
Too many
Haha I hear it most days so itd be to hard to pick just one :)
Ablity to have super reflex then no one would be Quicker than de keiz
If I was honest 4th to 5th is probably the best we could do only due the fact that freo have an easier draw than us
That im **** at finding a lady
Not taking enough initiative
Yep didn't work though turned out ****
Not many let me tell you honestly about 3 or 4 but none for a while
Nah not really he has were he can piss you off but so can others Honestly I dont think hes an as*