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i am a very strange person so ask me strange questions

508 Replies

banjo is short for banjolele

this is a very useful fact

delete83752 replied 2515 days ago


omg same

delete83752 replied 2515 days ago


good luck with that buddy

delete83752 replied 2515 days ago

why are you a person

i ask myself this daily

delete83752 replied 2515 days ago

u have had subway liar

when did i have subway

delete83752 replied 2562 days ago

What is your number one rule?


delete83752 replied 2573 days ago

If you were forced to wear a warning label, what would it say?

warning: will force you to eat kfc and listen to every single les miserables soundtrack with you for eternity

delete83752 replied 2580 days ago

Who do you miss?

i miss a few people. if you wanna know more, anon, why don't you inbox me

delete83752 replied 2584 days ago

why are you amazing ?

idk some people say i'm funny

delete83752 replied 2586 days ago

Do you miss anyone?

i miss someone so much right now, you can't imagine what i'd do to be able to see them. i really miss them

delete83752 replied 2586 days ago

Last song you listened to ?

next to you by ally hills

delete83752 replied 2591 days ago

What common thing have you never done?

been to 7-11 and subway

delete83752 replied 2593 days ago

What do you no longer waste time on?

thinking about what other people think about me. you don't like me? that's your problem

delete83752 replied 2597 days ago

complete the sentences friend's name is ____ friend's forehead is ____
3.____ is my favourite friend friend is a ____
5.i hate this friend because ____
6.we ain't friends no more because ____
7.but we still gonna be friends because ____

1- Kelsey
2- huge
3- kelsey
4- human
5- she smells
6- she smells
7- she smells

delete83752 replied 2603 days ago

What do you need to get off your chest right now?

y'all don't need to know

delete83752 replied 2610 days ago