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Brianne Derbyshire-Harris


askk mee:))

33 Replies

you're so beautiful<3 TaylorDaley

thnx:** muahh, and... GAWDD, youre too<33

derbbria428 replied 4283 days ago

I shall be the first reply in CENTURIES. But do you like cats? FROM YOUR BESTEST FRIEND NEDNERB

I honestly love catss!!!<3
and who's nednerb?:p

derbbria428 replied 4337 days ago

thoughts ? (: AyyItsLovely

OUFF<3 don't get me started wiff chuu!!!!
I just love the living shi* out of you<3

derbbria428 replied 4362 days ago

League of legends ?

I feel stupid... I don't know what that is :$

derbbria428 replied 4366 days ago

You are actually such a fake. Just can the act, everyone can tell you're trying to be innocent

wow. shes fake right ? can you tell me what makes her fake ? cause honestly shes the greatest girl i have ever meet. like, honeslty. why would you even hate on her? do you even know her? do you talk to her often? you are actually such a f***ing Bit**. the only fake one here is probably you. if you have anything else to say about her come see me. dont message her kay. she doesnt deserve this. now how bout you go die in a hole. - Shana (: love you.

derbbria428 replied 4372 days ago

Actually that anon who commented about your lipstick looking trashy used the word correctly...awkward for you. Wearing it makes you look like a f***ing *****.

hey there. this is brianne\'s friend. honestly you\'re a f***ing loser. if you wanna call her names honestly at least have the decency to show your name -.- like what the f*** is wrong with you ? brianne is a great girl, shes pretty and shes smart. she does not look like a *****, im sorry if you have such a pathetic life. just dont take it out on others. thanks. now go f*** yourself.

derbbria428 replied 4372 days ago

Heey anon, stop f***ing hating on Brianne! Just stop! She just like each and everyone of us! She snt Trashy! So stop! Brianne is the nicest person I ever met! Karissathebabe

:') <3

derbbria428 replied 4374 days ago

U & Roger = so f***ing cute Karissathebabe

but apperently your the first(:

derbbria428 replied 4374 days ago 1

you're a complete Bit**. and stop wearing the lipstick, makes you look trashy.

I'm sorry but when you ask anonymously these questions/comments I can't take you seriously..
And once you know the definition of trashy lets talk then.
Because you're using it in a completly wrong discription.

derbbria428 replied 4374 days ago


Don't know why it's a joke?

derbbria428 replied 4374 days ago

Hahaha xD. You and Roger are a f***ing joke.

Excuse me? well that makes me sad):

derbbria428 replied 4374 days ago

League of Leagends?

whats that?

derbbria428 replied 4412 days ago

Why not it's a great goat! )': AyyItsLovely

but my bull is better. I'll pas*;)

derbbria428 replied 4412 days ago

wanna ride my goat ? ill ride your bull ! (; AyyItsLovely

HAHA, I'll pas* (;

derbbria428 replied 4413 days ago

Awwwwe thanks book! I just made a blood painting of you cause I love you that much! <3 AyyItsLovely

hahah:') I love you to. you know what I just want to chew your food for you and sew myself to you<3

derbbria428 replied 4416 days ago 1