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Are you Tony Perry? No? Oh well ask me a question!

22 Replies

What is missing in your life?

People I can actually trust.

detonatordisturbance replied 4040 days ago

ive seen your IG before? Dont dis BOTDF! There better then you will ever be! Tony perry is also a f*****

I'm saying the truth! BOTDF are f***** that have no talent. But Tony Perry on the other hand has talent, is attractive and it's quite easy to admit that he is better than I'll ever be. :)

detonatordisturbance replied 4073 days ago

Who are you thinking about as you answer this?

Lol no one.... Tony Perry..... He's beautiful.....

detonatordisturbance replied 4073 days ago

Best advice you received about relationships?

"If you want to tell him you like him just go up to him and say 'your ****, I like that'"

detonatordisturbance replied 4085 days ago

How did you and your best friend meet?

Other people

detonatordisturbance replied 4125 days ago

Something you plan on never doing again?

Pooping. That stuff hurts sometimes!

detonatordisturbance replied 4127 days ago

Swiggity Swag What's In The Bag???

*insert FOB fan's hand* Pete Wentz: Oh shi*

detonatordisturbance replied 4134 days ago

3 things that attracts you to a person?

The music taste

detonatordisturbance replied 4136 days ago

Who are you?

Some random

detonatordisturbance replied 4137 days ago

do you like BVB?

I used to but not anymore, I grew out of them. :)

detonatordisturbance replied 4141 days ago

tell me something about you??!?

I f***ing hate cats.

detonatordisturbance replied 4142 days ago 1

Do blind people have dreams?

Everyone has dreams.

detonatordisturbance replied 4142 days ago

What makes your mom awesome?

That she is fab

detonatordisturbance replied 4144 days ago

Most embarrassing moment?

Well where can I start

detonatordisturbance replied 4147 days ago

So give me coffee and tv


detonatordisturbance replied 4148 days ago