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6 Replies


Hey ?

dintle_ replied 2490 days ago

What did your last relationship teach you?

1. To find comfort in someone else as others usually do in me
2. What it means to find a best friend through a relationship (regardless of it working out or not)
3. My time is precious. I should not be taken for a poes... I mean for granted lol ?

2 out of 3 were learnt in positive ways?

dintle_ replied 2496 days ago 1

Who are your best friends, top 5

Eh? I have a completely new circle of friends now so that's tricky..
2/5: Nomphelo & Rochelle

dintle_ replied 2498 days ago

Which friend of yours would you say is closest to your character?

There isn't a specific one.. I literally see a little bit of me in each of them and visa versa

dintle_ replied 2498 days ago

What Mood Are You in Right Now?

Lol I'm so tired but in a good mood

dintle_ replied 2498 days ago

Who was the last person to call you?

One of my best friends.. Rochelle

dintle_ replied 2498 days ago