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Hello, not even ily
About what?
No body
That's not a nice thing to say, Alan is an amazing friend, and he's the only friends that watches pimple videos i send them.
Because it's usually Alan
someone whos able to hunt for food, build a raft and ****
Who is this???
My toes
Why would you. i would be like a nagging mother who's never home because of work
O.o ... I couldn't
Meh it's depends on the day really
Hell yeah #Hawthorn2015
Do I get what?
Before I was even born
Hahaha, no I am not
With someone's death
Being in tall buildings, but I am not afraid of hights....
A red head. I dunno most red heads have a coven so I guess we are.. lol ew Na we are sisters
I love you too my miss wife.. Haha
Most of them
Only if you come off ann
Chris Evans and Wentworth Miller
LOVE you too
Chris Evans and Wentworth for being *exy
Arhh I do miss gabby
Go F U C K yourself
I miss me too.. Haha miss you to random
You're not ;) kawaaiiii
Don't call be bby and no
Sounds like a second date, can't wait :3
That's because you're gorgeous
She still is my childhood friend
Not as beautiful as you are miss gabby
Haha I am not, there probably a valid reason they said it or not yolo hah
I don't no because I am I guess?...
Sister 4 Eva
Okay, grumpy. That's is your opinion, I have no idea if you where someone who did deb or just watched it. But by the sound of it you fav the second group. Good on you. This is my option on what happen on deb night, that's is your option on what happen. We "got more practices" because people where not able to show up and a lot of people didn't understand. We had 1 lunch lesion cause she was running late and we didn't get to do anything for our third dance. 2 our after school one no one turned up too. I don't agree with your opinion on what you are saying about deb, but then again you're not agreeing with mine. So leave this as it is now. And stop commenting about deb. it was ages ago. Mwhahahaha
Chris Evans
Haha... Nice try for trying to make me feel bad. The second group did get more practice then us. Don't need to be a genius to know that. 5 dances to 3 1/4 sure my group got mire practices.. just because we didnt stuff up as bad as them doesn't mean we got more. We got sent outside to do out last practice dance. The other group was able to redo there dance over and over again and we only got not even a full run though and we got sent out to practice in the car park. Yet again even though me had less practices we still did better then them
That was one highlight, making new friend was a highlight though
I dunno yet probably
If they are rude and don't understand that you should not be disrespectful to people less fortunate
Shut up Jessica you're not
I love Jesse like he's great hes been my best friend since primary school and I love him heaps best gay best friend
Why it just answered about them. They are all swagger they are all great people No rate cause who the **** rates theses days
Hahah nope
Not even close
Haha no not even close to how awesome you are ;)
Ryan's is a fish Jessica is my sister and fordys are great deb partner
Sometimes I don't see then until some ridiculous hour so I don't reply. Message me again and hopefully I'll see it. Sorry for missing them
Yeah I like it and I do miss my old hair some times specially when it's cold
Watching the other group stuff up more then my group even though they had more time to practice then us. :3
Mother ****ing JOFFREY
Are all **** bands
He's a **** and a lesbian, but a great friend who can't photo shop for ****. But had been there for me when no one else has. Nugget Juliet
Alex 15 years, he's a good friend
No. I am excited to see my husband though and wife
A ****
Last names would be a good help.
What guys. I only hang around with girls
Still waiting.. haha
Thank youuuuuuu
Mitch Lucker
What English, please
Il try
Will do xxx
Hahah omg I f u c k ing hate Alison such a b itch so glade she d I ed
The roof or sky maybe the clouds hah. Alright :)
Haha I am either of those things :)
I've never had my hair short but so far I like It
No I don't regret shaving it
Bands and captain America
No one
Yep sure is all me.. who am I meant to blame. Cause I can't blame myself.. ow wait I do..welcome to my life of society