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Moist or an** or Thrust! Thrust just feels good to say.
Callum how many people did you send this too?!
My Dog, Free food, Bed. Absolute Bliss
:O I'm offended! Do you know just how many people would give there lives to be ranga! Be greatful! But seriously, you're a great friend and it's been so nice getting to know you more and more. You're so funny and friendly and off topic but I hope you have a great time at the concert
I think we both know the answer to that anon ;)
tuo ti raew t'nod eman ym s'tahT
yeah I agree with this one :D
hmmm yeah ummm about that.... I agree with the next qooh me more sozza
hawt ranga, with a b**ty dat jiggles ;)
Nauh brew, Ashley's still mine hands off! But Emily's still on the market if she's your type ;). But if you're looking for delish b**ty I'd suggest Steph.
In bed with my dog, music, sleep, alcohol, food, food and not having to go to the toilet... bliss
Maddy, You're so great and so freakin' hilarious! It's horrible to think what life would be like without you. Honestly imagine how boring maths would be without you! No one would know about the Sheppard counting thingo! We wouldn't have the Egyptian song that made Cafwin bearable! We wouldn't have your music assignment which made the best music session I've ever had. And worst of all "I'm a shark" would never have existed!!! It's great that we've been becoming better friends this year. Luv ya b*m xx
I'd like to see them try!
Good for you :)
Haha never, I can't really see myself settling down with any one person for a long extent of time
Mister Car? I didn't know you had qooh me!?
No clue really, As long as it's not in Wang
I have aids but I don't go on about it
Please tell me you're joking... I did that when I was younger and it was a baaaad move
Argh to many! Animals & freaks - Husky Small Things - Ben Howard Goldern Thread - Passenger and Matt Corby and... Water Jump - Daniel Avery
Get with? I thought she was already in a very intimate relationship wither her dog.
It's too late they've got me!! Save yourself! It's not worth risking you virginity!!
Incredibly creepy guy! I've hung out with him a lot and he's incredibly funny and nice and smart but also kinda closed. Like his personality is only his humorous self I've never seen his serious side. As in he's never talked about his feelings or beliefs. But he's still such a great, weird, funny, pedoish dude. And I love his hair! (Had to be said)
A flight to ANYWHERE!! Travel is definitely what any extra money I get goes towards. I'd kinda like a segway too!
Depends on how I'm feeling. But most of the time it's blue like a light shade of it. But sometimes green... lime green and also sunset orange is really nice but it's a very disgusting colour if it's in the wrong place. And very occasionally I like yellow. kind of a faded yellow. Which looks especially good on shirts or dresses on the right person anyway.
Well I'd like to think I'd die for anyone. But in the situation where someone is pointing a gun. I don't know if I'd do anything!! I think I'd probably just freeze sadly. But in terms of values I value any human life above my own.
You have no idea what a big deal this question is! Food is my life! And there are so many different tastes that vary so much that it's near impossible to decipher which I like best! I like mango's (not a euphemism) I also freaking love pasta but there are so many different types of past and different toppings I just can't choose!! Why would you ask me this it's causing me so much distress!!
Morgan Freeman!! He's voice is so good! Or maybe David Attenborough (if that's how you spell it) OR any really good singer cause being able to sing would be so cool!
BOOK = Maybe Lord of the Rings (I'm such a nerd) MOVIE = Across the Universe or The Spectacular Now or Finding Nemo! PERSON = Bear Grills could be useful but if it was a fact of spending the rest of my life with someone maybe my dog... or Ashley close call FOOD = Not sure if this is for survival or what? But if you're asking my favourite food... PASTA defs
Evan Rachel Wood: Cause she's so amazing and nice and funny (as far as I can tell anyway) and she seems to be really true to herself (even though it's difficult to tell when you only see her in movies and interviews) But It'd also be amazing to be married to a singer! Her voice is so incredibly dreamy and mmm. And she's also really pretty and that's always a plus. I've also seen her left nipple so that's a little weird seeing as we've never met... Passenger/Mike Rosenberg: Cause he's the best song writer I've ever known and his songs are so heartfelt and I can really relate to a lot of them in so many ways. And he can play guitar! And he has a beard! and he has an awesome accent! And I reckon he's just a really nice thoughtful guy! And we could jam together cause I can play piano! That'd be awesome!
Til I've done everything I feel I need to I guess, but that's a weird question cause however long I live it'll be for other more than for myself cause even if I feel that my life's fulfilled I still might be an important part of other peoples.
Is it... P*n*s, Pu*s* and B*o*s? Am I close?
Ugh, there are so many!! Have you ever noticed how the older someone is the more boring they get seriously it happens to everyone!!! I'd have to say Mister Car. Everything about him is just... old
My type of guy... hmm well, they have to know how to ride a unicycle. They have to like pasta and moonlit walks on beaches, candlelit dinners and be capable of cooking pasta!
Beards and mustaches!!! They're actually really nice! Don't be put off the gentle tickle can be quite comforting and pleasurable!!
Woah yeah. Yummy yummy.
The dwarf thing