how r u soo hot?
what do i have a fevah?
hottest guy at rosedale and prettiest girls
Guys: Uri,
Girls: Marina, Joanna, Misha,
ew with who
a guy from my old school
you should stop talking about thongs. grossss
have you kissed someone>?
yes and made-out for 3 miniutes
what's the naughtiest thing you've ever done
half naked lapbdance
who do yu think is relly hot at rhsa
um uri
who do yu think is relly hot
ummm.... let me think do they have to go to rhsa?
Who is your favorite at rosedale?
im not sure
You answer the questions on qooh, not tell people to guess. Who do you dislike most at rosedale.
misha is cool
well she hasnt kissed any one yet and doesn't yolo but other that that yes she is
what do you think about mick and funke?
they should date
who do you dislike the most at rosedale
well... guess
What do you think of everyone else at rosedale
except a few people i thinke everone is awesome :) :) :)
you're really nice :)
aww thanks
penguins or koalas
tough one. how bout a penguala
why r u so awesome?
because i am