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Other people tbh. and mostly what they think of me
Loving people I hope
Arrogance or ignorance
Vinukga I met in year 7 but only really talked to each other in Year 8 when she asked to hear me sing at the lockers haha
Erica I met at a Halloween birthday party and she came dressed as Sherlock Holmes so ofc we became friends :P
Being 18, new projects and experiences. A whole bunch of stuff
I dont have one, I have many, Ord, Erica, Vinukga
But two people Im not gonna name haha
"Yeah, I'm fine" about 4 hours ago
Theyre annoying me and i dont wanna have to deal with my morality problems/being a good person constantly issues
Lets not. Guy was an A$$
Male Privilege.
Musicals and notebooks
The Kill Me Kid
Discrimination. Tragedies tbh
Im constantly on the verge of falling apart :) :) :)
I'm sometimes too harsh on myself
dont think i have one xD
The killing of LGBT+ people. Islamophobia. Stop it
Ill give ya a hint. he was crazy
To make the lives of others better
2015, so many amazing things happened and it was just great <3 i have a feeling 2016 is gonna be great tho :)
Helping and listening to other people
Lets not xD
hey look dat me
People. fckboys, ignorant dumb people. Life. VCE
Sometime last year, when I stopped looking in the mirror and seeing flaws and started loving myself
What did put a smile on my face was a lovely hug from Dylan and Erica's adorable happy laugh <3
People will "love" you and leave you as if they had never loved you at all.
If a situation doesn't feel right, it probably isnt.
Fight for friendships, dont let them slip away
Youre relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.
Exes are exes for a reason.
At some point you have to realise that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life
Im assuming u mean America cuz Australia doesnt have a president. I would arrest Darren Wilson
Their vocabulary and conversations
My friends
How are you so short? Like was there something wrong with you when you were born? Do you have a birth defect?
I can tell you that is not a fun thing to hear as a 9 year old
Actually most crushing thing was:
"She passed away last night. She's gone darling"
These questions are so riveting, mm ask me more (if you dont get my sarcasm I question your sense of humour) i will be watching youtube, what a gr8 question
Richard Ayoade quotes?
Me being smart. Many people think I'm a know-it-all and that I like to show off. I dont
Relating to this so hard right now
Human stupidity
Death and Isolation
Im lucky that there hasnt been rumours about me but some were that I'm dating Cameron and I'm dating Zac, which I am doing neither of those things
Man Up, it's one of my fave films I love it <3
Be happy
exiting the womb
School and sickness
My fave dress I guess
btch I didnt grow this curly mane just to get rid of it
There's a few but I can't remember any of them!! One is "you really inspire me" and "youre gonna change the world" is another
Take out my headphones and hang em up? What an exciting question
I wouldnt call it a relationship but more a primary school/high school "romance" two close friends who liked each other and nothing past that? Idk
Youre not my mum
I'm going to miss someone out I know and then theyre gonna be really upset so sorry if that happens!! <3
Erica, Vinukga, Cameron, Brittany, Alicia, Zac, Liam, Sama, Dylan N, Natasha Bay, Um my mind feels bad if im forgetting someone but those are the first few who came to mind and I've messaged recently.
13th-15th of January 2014
are you sure you want ME to respond to that? People making assumptions about me is one
the list is far too long but recently, people trying to tell me I can't do something. I hate people making assumptions that I can't do something because of my height! or my age gender or my age etc
Discrimination of any kinda. And shtty people. like really, what are you doin? Just stahp
Hating on other girls for no reason rather than raising them up. That was fckin stupid. also coloured jeans was an interesting one
Gotta start doing this more. Stand up for myself and dont just be nice, be stern
Dont know, don't particularly care?
31. Oh my what an exciting question, ask it again
A bow and arrow
People sharing nudes of girls with their mates without the girl's permission.. Stop. F.u.cking doing it
A couple, make films/act in films/write films all the filmy stuff
Master musical instruments
Write well
Memories from my Nana, Pa, Gran and friend Pierce
the night I met Erica :)
For everyone to be happy and there be world peace
I bought a new journal and had a lovely chat with Natasha :)
Cuz I banged my head on a table as a kid cuz I'm a genius. The other scars are all burns from work
Well I was sick all day, so getting out of bed was a no thank you
FIX EVERYTHINGGGGGG! Cure cancer, and every horrible disease, save the world from hunger and provide sanitation, education to all etc.
Oh and I'd go show a sign to The West Bororo Baptist church, through prayer or vision or something to tell them to fck off, that if they continue they'll go to hell. gays are welcome in heaven
Mostly Youtubers/short film makers
I know many fab people but today that person is Brittany cuz she is fab <3
I know many fab people but today that person is Brittany cuz she is fab <3
At my brother about representation in films
Damn right, invest in other people, you'll remain broke.
You down? I'm down if your down? :D
Love this metaphor <3
Amen to that. When it comes to getting what you want - "What is stopping you? NO what is ACTUALLY stopping you?" always gives me a wake up call
I agree on this when it comes ignorance being bliss but I think if you dont care about anything, you wont be happy. Going through difficulty and heartache with someone you care about and coming out the other side better, you'll be much happier and your friendship will be strengthened
And those who do when you lose
My best friends would be even more beautiful than they currently are.
Animated films, and my successful/talented friends :D Theyre all fab and inspiring
Um laptop makes me pretty happy, same with my guitar but mostly the decision to buy black hairspray and black nail polish for a costume party where I went as a goth and met Erica for the first time :D
Met Vinukga at school when she asked to hear if I could sing (at the time I was sht at it but for some reason she was nice and said I could xD )
Met Erica at a birthday party in which we shared many Sherlock and Watson jokes :P
Met Cameron when I was a kid, he was ma neighbour :)
A couple years ago people called me Taylor Swift cuz of my curly hair and her her then curly hair.
When Erica met me for the first time she thought I looked like Scarlett Johanson? dont know why xD
Goldilocks is the normal one
Life motto
Reality TV and anything to do with the kardashians
13th to the 16th of January 2014.
Stressed and depressed ?
Far too many to name haha
Once Upon A Time was the first one that came to mind. Walking Dead would be a bad idea
Honestly? My friends secretly being angry at me/hating me and/or what people think of me
The only name that comes to mind is Douchebag. Never trust a fu/ckboy
I can't pinpoint a specific moment, one of my happiest days was going to see Once The Musical with Erica. That was a very happy day, as well as Tayla's party :D I'm mostly happy surrounded by my closest friends doing things I love. as well as family <3
I'm gonna sound so up myself but this is what they've told me- Good listener, smart, sarcastic, kind, sweet and funny. <3