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belle from beauty and the beast because of the library that she has
my heart
no way coz i just move away from there and i really dont feel like going home just yet
i dont have one
books lots and lots of books
the pets
i would change her so that she had a wild side and that she was not so tame all the time
i dont care how it ends
a bed and a good book to read the day away
reading and books
it is forensic scientist
my books there im not me anymore im some one else and i can forget my problems
i look back so that i don't make the same mistakes but i cant help it because i still make them all the time but it can't be helped im a s*cker for the people how treat me nicely but they all seem to hurt me, what i want to be is a forensic scientist so looking back to solve a crime
out in the bush as far way for the cities as possible