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Dylan Wilshaw


Ask me stuff

115 Replies



dylan.wilshaw replied 3582 days ago

thoughts Lucy_mclay

Well Lucy you a really good friend of mine!! Your such a funny person to talk to and your always up for a good chat, plus your cute :) Sorry I took so long

dylan.wilshaw replied 3610 days ago

Thoughts on Shannae mills, Nikola Raffoul and Georgia bell? :)

Shannae is a good person to talk to, she's kind, nice as well as caring. Nikola is a cute she's really funny and fun to talk to, can make some memory's hah Georgia I haven't really spoke to but would love to get to know her and have a good chat. Besides that she's hot, she seems nice and caring, you can have a joke with her. :)

dylan.wilshaw replied 3616 days ago

Don't listen to anon Dylan! Telling someone to kill themselves is the most selfish and horrible thing anyone could do

Don't plan to! Yeah I know! Msg me?

dylan.wilshaw replied 3647 days ago

Your a ugly **** kill yourself

Why? Are you too ***** to do it yourself?

dylan.wilshaw replied 3648 days ago

Don't be mean to Dilby

Cheers babe :*

dylan.wilshaw replied 3648 days ago

Dylan you couldn't get with anyone you ugly cu nt

Your heads a joke

dylan.wilshaw replied 3649 days ago

Would you get with Lucie m?

Do you mean Lucy Mclay?

dylan.wilshaw replied 3649 days ago

Why does everyone ask who would you get with? With a head like that you can't be picky m8

Bahah, haven't seen yourself lately

dylan.wilshaw replied 3663 days ago

Maddie abbey mia and georgia aren't even in the same friendship group so idk why people asked with their names together


dylan.wilshaw replied 3664 days ago

Would you get with Chloe Lyndall grace Aimee jesse

I wouldn't get with Chloe or Lyndall because that would be the dogest thing to do to my mates!! Amieee and Jesseee I would

dylan.wilshaw replied 3665 days ago 2

Was it your birthday the other day?

Yeah whys that?

dylan.wilshaw replied 3665 days ago

Would you get with ebony crispe

Don't know who she is?

dylan.wilshaw replied 3665 days ago

Would you ever get with a guy? (Me)

I'm not gay so no

dylan.wilshaw replied 3665 days ago

Would you get with shannae m


dylan.wilshaw replied 3665 days ago