Jy is heavy aantreklik 😊🙋🏼♂️
Ek is heavy dankbaar🥰
Wat is jou nickname?
Mense noem my duppie, dupa of Dyl.
Dm my joune🔥
Is 6 inches big ?
Well a 6 inche watch would be quite big🤷♂️ if we are talking about TVs the 6 inches isn't very big... so it depends on what we are talking about😉🤣😉
Ugh Dylan, ek hoop jys trots op jou ouers, want hulle het regtig 'n goeie werk gedoen om jou te maak😍
Sal vir hulle sê🤣
Ugh Dylan, daai smile though! 😍 Soos Colgate advet!
If only🤣 dankie though
Do you like guys or girls? Asking for a friend😂
Ugh Dylan, hoe is jy so mooi?! Like damn boy!!! 😍😱
Awwww thank you❤
Jy is fokken hot
Ek waardeer🔥 dm my
If I slide in your DM’s will I slip?👀
Try and we'll see what happens😉
any regrets in your life
1. Taking school to seriously and not taking chances...
2. Not being nicer to some people in my life.
3. Not doing things I want because I was scared or paranoid.
Dm me and I'll tell you the rest.
Ek hou van jou ❤️
Aww cute😊
Ugh Dylan, ek mag dalk hulle nommers vra as ek hulle vir jou nommer kon vra😍
Dm my dan gee ek dit vir jou 🤷♂️
Ugh Dylan! Ek se net dankie aan jou ouers vir die maak van jou😍
Soek jy hulle nommer?🤔😏
Baie dankie jy🔥
Answer my qooh🙄
Some questions should be asked personally❤
Jy is n baie aantreklike ou🙈
Ouderdom hay??? x_zanzibar_x
Eks amper 19
Wat dink jy as n meisie n ou eerste DM
Ek glo in gelykheid so as n ou dit kan doen kan n meisie ook👏🏻
Do u like someone
Not right now no
Is jy keen om nuwe vriende te maak/te ontmoet?
Ugh Dylan!!! Ek drool oor jou! Soooo mooi😍
Dankiiieee jy❤ ek waardeer
You are very handsome
Aww thank you🔥😊
Do you speak German?
Nope🤔 I speak English and Afrikaans.
Afrikaans sounds a lot like German👏🏻👌🏻
What has humanity come to that they can ask such question?
Would I like to know aswell🤣
Do you wank
When I read this I laughed cause it made me think about that vine of "you bloody wanker".
Also it made me realised that there are really gross people in the world
Crush on someone?
What are you studying?
I'm soon going to start at med school
I was the one that made a tinder profile with your pics. I wanted to see if my boyfriend was on and was gonna cheat on me. Turns out he was on and sent some very explicit messages.
Sorry x❤️
Thanks for your honesty...??
BUT please do take the profile off because I have received a few very strange dms thinking that it was me...
Is jy single?.
Yes. Ek is??
So tell me, how would a guy like you ever go for a girl like me. You have a sht ton of pro's, my pro is I have lame A$$ jokes ?
You can start by DMing me?? Lame A$$ jokes are cool
fck your smile ??
This just made me smile ?
Are you just as surprised as me that Qoohme is still around ? ??
Actually yes?
But it stays fun though???
Sal jy saam met met my skinny dip? ?
In die somer enige tyd????
Ugh Dylan! Stop dit! Jys te mooi?
I'll stop, I'll stop?
Can i please dm you?
Yes pleasee?
Ugh Dylan, hoekom? Hoekom? Hoekom is jy so perfek???? jys regtig die definisie van perfeksie?????
Ek weet nie wie jy is nie maar jys baie oulik. Ek waardeer dit??
Jy’s kak hot!!!
Vandag was nogal warm jah??
Nee ek joke.
Ek waardeer dit baie?❤
Ugh Dylan!!! Dis nie fair nie. Jys so p@#s mooi!? Daai oe, lippe en cute neusie!!??? Ek sal jou hard vet en nie vir picnic nie.
Nie vir picnic nie? Dalk vir n roomys??
Maar dankie though I guess
Would you meet up if you're around Easter weekend? :P
I down to make new friends
Ugh Dylan! Gee my jou 'n adres. Ek kom ontvoer jou???
Dm my as jy in Stilbaai is. Ek sal na jou toe. Sal goed makliker maak??????
Ugh Dylan, jys regtig iets anders? Dans jy nog lief vir diere ook. F#cking true catch jy. Grrrrrrrr???
Hierdie maak my bly?
Is jy en Charne saam? Julle sal n oulike couple maak??
? NEE ons is nie saam nie. Sys my bestie.
Ons is mekaar se backup?
As ons albei nie iemand kry nie gaan ons op 38 trou??????
Hoe ken jy vir jacques
Jy gaan meer spesifiek moet wees?
Maar as dit die Jacques is waaraan ek dink dan ken ek hom van n Christian leader group waarin ons albei was. Hy was in ons buurskool??
Be cool to meet?
I'm down to meet. I just don't know who you are...
Do you come to cape town
Yeah I do. We're not too far from there and I've got family there
Beautiful Face Man
Firstly. I would like to thank my mom???
I appreciate it?
Most beautiful girl?
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder?
Ugh Dylan! OMG!!!? Ek wil jou opeet! ??? Jys so gorgeous! FML!!!??? #drooling
Wag nogsteeds vir daai Dm??
Ya know it???
Everbody know it?❤ jk
What do you love the most about stilbaai?
The fact that I want to get out of here so damn bad??
But I'll miss the people❤
Ugh Dylan, is daar enige iets wat nie mooi is aan jou nie???? Even jou hande lyk mooi. Ek wil hulle vas hou???
Daar kort meer mense soos jy in die lewe❤
Ek sê nie gewoonlik sulke dinge vir mense wat ek nie eers ken nie, maar Wow jy's actually vrek cute?
Aww dis baie oulik. Ek waardeer dit.
Dm my
Van waar af is jy?
Ek bly in stilbaai?
For the love of f#ck, Dylan!!! Hou op so mooi wees. ??? Ek sweer jy post net sluke mooi fotos van jouself om my te maak smelt? en daai bene!!!! #FML???
Hierdie maak my dag❤
Ek waardeer dit.
Ugh Dylan!!! OMG!!! Trou net met my! F#ck!!!???
Watse kleure dink jy gaan die troue wees???
Dm my? wil graag weet wie jy is
Ugh Dylan!!! OMF??? man crush monday it is!!!???
Thats very sweet of you??
Do you like guys, I really hope you do?
Well my best friend is a guy?
If thats what you mean???????????????
Ugh, Dylan!!! Kan ek net gou vir jou ma en pa dankie sê vir die werk wat hulle in gesit het om jou te maak???
Omw smooth
Dm my
You're such a snack ? omg !?
Im a Pringle? Whaaattt?
No im joking??❤
Ugh Dylan! Daai bene!!! fck!!! ??? Damb boy!!!???
Keep the compliments coming? i like
I appreciate it?❤
Nice legs ?
? thannkk you
Ugh Dylan! Jy torture my met jou mooi fotos. Daai gesiggie! ??? Jys so gorgeous jy maak my smelt!!!???
Aw oulik af?
Ek sal graag wil weet wie jy is?
Dylan, Dylan, Dylan!!! OMG jys so mooi??? I'm crushing so hard right now!???
Aww thxxx?
Hoe wife ek jou?
Chat met my
Dalk word ons vriende??♂️
Wat kry ek vir ń R 100?
7.27L petrol?
Who is the hottest celeb to you?
I had a huge crush on Shakira when i was younger?
Have you seen those hips? Jk??
Desert is served!
Oeee. I hope its ice-cream?
Damn boy! Did it hurt when you fell out of the vending machine? 'Cause you a snack!!!?
im not flirting im just being extra friendly with someone who is extra attractive ??
Thats extra cute❤
Thxx so much
Dm me
Hoekom praat ons nie meer nie??
Wie is ons? ?
She used to meet my on the eastside
In the city where the sun don't set?
Ek mis jou!!!!!!!!!
Who dis?
Ugh Dylan, jys darm maar so mooi. Daai smile! Net opvreetbaar!!!?
Somebody just made my day?❤
Daai oë van jou!!! So seductive AF! FML!!!?
Bloos ek so bietjie
Daddy ??
Oh sht. Who did I make pregnant.
Nee ek joke. Rather call me friend?
Bly dit doen nie. Jammer jy is so ver though?
Kan nogsteeds chat??♂️
Jy is regtig aantrek ?
Baie dankie?
Ps. Die ander qooh maak nie saak nie
Omgash!!! So mooi! Gorgeous!!! Lippe vir dae!!!?
Omw thx.
Wil graag hê jy moet my dm
Eks super jags vir jou maar jys baie af lately
Eks jammer as ek af is. Ekt nogal n moeilike rukkie gehad.
Maar hou tog jou jagsheid intoom thx??
Not to like boost your ego or anything, but you're like super cute and I can't find the nerves to dm you ?? I'm way to shy
Aw thats so sweet. Dm me please. It only takes a moment of courage. Im super chilled you'll see
Why aren't you answering some qoohs
Some questions should be asked in person or on private chats
Dis maar net die waarheid
? dm my?
Plesier. Is mos maar net die waarheid.
Ek het jou laaste qooh gesien. Dm my
Jys gorgeous AF!!!! Daai lippe!!! En daai oë! Absoluut wow verby!!!
Jyt my dag gemaak. Thx jy
ek wil jou graag dm,, soos om vriende te wees en so ma eks te skaam ??
It only takes 5 minutes of bravery to accomplish great things.
Dm my. Geen rede om skaam te wees nie?
Waar gaan jy medies swot ,en as dit in Suid-Afrika is ,hoekom eers September ?
Ek gaan ruslans toe??♂️ hulle intake is Sept
Planne vir die jaar?
Ek gaan sept begin medies swot?
Are you circumcised?
haha damn - who asked for the first pee break?
Me obviously. I've got a tiny bladder?
lol what did you drink?
Like 4l of water and cooldrink ?
?lol was it a bus or car trip?
Car trip to cape town ?
Have you ever been in a situation where you and a female friend drank heaps of water/soda/coffee/juice before/on a long bus or car trip?
Omw yes?
My hart is seer
Ai eks jammer man. Wats fout?
Jy is besig om my lewe hel te maak en doe sad ding is jy weet dit nie eers nie ?
Ek is baie jammer. Ek probeer eerlikwaar my bes om almal gelukkig te hou.
DM my en ons maak alles reg❤
Jys die oulikste mens op aarde❤
Dankie jy??
Jys ‘n poes.
Dannkkiieee ???♂️?
Can you post more Stories of the Cruise?
Unfortunately there was no signal on most of the cruise...??
So I left my phone in the cabin and didnt take much photos??
Have you ever been in a situation on a bus/school trip where the guys had an opportunity to pee but the girls didn't?
Yes I have.
Perks of being a guy and being able to pee next to the road?