Eamonn Clarke
Something you plan on never doing again?
Riding a bike into the lake
Who would Mynette be cute with?
Oscar or tom nangs
Who would tash be cute with?
Make up your mind eamonn. ;)
With what?
Who would kessey be cute with?
Who would nelly be cute with?
Apparently you got a girl pregnant from Kyenton?
First ive heard of it
What's this preggaz shut going should about you and some chick.
Teach me how to english.
Hey se*y, wanna f***?
What's the point of blanking out the number
What are your thoughts on tonight's game? Cooling wood are shiiitttttttt
Yeah not the best performance
Mos= most of spuds (eaten)
hahahaha whoever you are well done
f*** me? Just call me
Whos this
Are you pumped for tomorrow?
If you knew you could not fail ,what would you do?
Be a professional gambler
In your opinion who's the most popular boy and girl in year nine?
Blake and nelly probably?
What do you like to find in a girl?
A good personality,likes sport,funny and caring
Have you ever s*cked your own toes? Be honest, we've all tried it at least once. I have.
Haha not that I can remember
thoughts on the letter "g"
Not to shabby
what stopping you from asking the chick you like to be your girlfriend?
I dont know her well enough yet
Thoughts on Claire?
A good friend and one of the nicest people I know
What do you like most about the chick you like??
Her personality, hair and eyes
Top 4 prettiest girls from 9.1
No order nelly,kessy,lucinda,taylor
who do you think you are going on my bus today
Haha sorry mate
If you could be a flower, what kind of flower would you be?
Thoughts on daylesford u/15s
any good players? Should i play there next year?
Not sure I dont play for them ,theyve got quite a lot of good players this year but they loose most of them at the end of the year
Thoughts on Kessey Pickering
Really funny good to joke around with and a good friend.
Thoughts on the nelly chick? I hear she's a Bit**.
Shes not shes one of the nicest people
Thoughts on this alana roberts girl?
Shes perfect ,really beautiful and just amazing.
prettiest girls
From where specify?
You're really attractive :)
Thankyou :)
Last time you fingered a sloth!
A week last Tuesday
Is Alana your girlfriend?
3 things that attracts you to a person?
Personality, eyes, smile
saw you with hayden outside my house today Oscarlol
That was blake and we called out to you
Heard you were a leprechaun? Is this true?
do you ever miss that quality dim sim?
Bloody tom nangs
Thoughts one Blake Le long?
Simply the best kid
Which people will you miss the most when you leave?
Ill miss everyone
What kind of house do you live in?
Whose your best friend?
Im a lone wolf
How do you tell someone they have bad breath?
Just tell them?