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Ebony Ramsay


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thoughts on abrahams new gf

Don't know the girl, had a little conversation with her not long ago about Tyga. But nothing bad too say about her, she seems nice :)

ebonyjayder replied 3419 days ago

What is the most expensive thing you own ?

My Son hahahaha

ebonyjayder replied 3454 days ago

Finally you and tori can stop arguing over Caitlin Jenner

Hahahahaha omg

ebonyjayder replied 3475 days ago

I heard your sons dad has an std and his new gf got it lucky you didn't

Mmmmm nice HAHA

ebonyjayder replied 3475 days ago

Do you regret posting so much of your sons life as a baby on Facebook? Only asking because you don't post as much now

Don't regret it but it's better keeping too myself now

ebonyjayder replied 3476 days ago

Abraham said you two did an***

Ew no way wtf

ebonyjayder replied 3476 days ago

What is your current state of mind?


ebonyjayder replied 3482 days ago

do you think your bf is loyal to you when you live in the middle of nowhere

It's called trust babe. :)

ebonyjayder replied 3488 days ago

What is your relationship like with you and your mum, do you look up to her?

We have a great relationship. I know I can tell her anything, as she probably knows some bad stuff and hasn't killed me hahahahahahaha. But I love her. And yes I do, she's been though some of the same things as me and she's one of the strongest people I know.

ebonyjayder replied 3488 days ago

You were sleeping with multiple people before you got pregnant who really knows who the dad is ?? Like why do you refuse a DNA test aye if your so sure?

This is actually so funny because it isn't true. No I wasn't at all sleeping with multiple people, it was only Abraham for a few months actually. No one else. And I've asked for a DNA test before, we've even asked his mum. I'd happily do one right now actually. But just gotta get him too do his part as well. But I'm over all this drama. His not in his life and that's how I like it. And don't want the dramas anymore I've moved on from this drama so, so should everyone else. :)

ebonyjayder replied 3488 days ago

First abraham leaves his son then he lost tori he is so fcked now he is going nowhere you and his ex were too good for that fat sht tbh crack up for dayz at the dumb f**


ebonyjayder replied 3502 days ago

You had a kid with a tranny


ebonyjayder replied 3502 days ago

Isaiah is my son Abraham is fat n ugly ahahahahahhaa

Ahaha ok meany

ebonyjayder replied 3507 days ago

Why do people feel the need to talk smack about your son? HAHA f ucking idiots

No sht HAHAHAHA, Low life's that's who :)

ebonyjayder replied 3507 days ago

your son is not precious even abraham said he is too ugly and fat to be his son

That's gold coming from Abraham considering he looks like a girl these days and is fat hahahahahahahaha

ebonyjayder replied 3509 days ago