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Love her, she is so nice and I have come a lot better friends with her this year. Good to talk to and we have had some funny times together xxx
Miss you to. Inbox me please!
Love you to xoxoxxoxoxoxoxixixiixxixixi
I don't really know him very well, but he is really nice!
His really nice and funny. Easy to talk to and we just love our maths haha
Hard to tell!! Haha
dropping my food!
She is so bloody beautiful, one of the nicest girls out and so great to be around. Don't get to see her much anymore but love her to bits Xox
Umm idk Brady!
Thank you but I am really not, :(
Love you to and she really isn't ;) xxx
f**sgsbaivafajsm !!!
She is so beautiful and the best to talk to. I can't wait to play netball with her this year and she is so funny, always makes me laugh Xx
ily pig XX