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Ask away! <3

1.1k Replies

Ah I wish I were you :P I just got a hair cut and well, now it doesn't part at all... That's actually not bad, haha. I only keep in touch with one person from elementary and they're one of my besties.

Would you date someone shorter than you? &gt;.&gt;

Yeah lol but like everyone is taller so

elani555 replied 3050 days ago

Wait, training your hair is a real thing!? &gt;.&lt; I've been trying for some weeks now :P Oh nice, good to hear you're not a victim of "room mate from hell" tell thing ;D

Do you keep in touch with anyone you knew from elementary school?

Yep it only took me like a month and now I just choose which side I prefer and yeah thank god I'm not!! Um lol not at all like maybe 2 people

elani555 replied 3055 days ago

You didn't like the people or the building itself? xP Good to hear, it's boring over here in London haha. Really? My hair only parts one way naturally &gt;.&lt; Do you use a product in it?

Oh right, do you room by yourself or with a roommate?

A little bit of both lol but whatever and yeah no I trained my hair to flip depending on how I feel... I don't use product! And yeah I have a roommate she's so awesome tho!

elani555 replied 3060 days ago

Whaaat!? I assumed you were at Western like everyone else lmao. How is it there? Do you do your own shopping? xP

Do you part your hair to the right or to left? ;D

Lol no, I don't really like western. I honestly love it here like I'm having a great time! Shopping? Kinda, there's not really much I need...I part both actually depends on the day

elani555 replied 3066 days ago

What were you doing in Ottawa? :o Quite a few people didn't show for commencement tbh. They look really painful to walk in.

Are you easily distracted while doing work?

...I go to Carleton lol so I live in Ottawa? And lol yes I get so distracted

elani555 replied 3070 days ago

Hopefully he's there at commencement then :P I assume you're going btw? Oh cool, in theatre or Netflix type thing?

So how do you feel about wearing high heels? (Do they hurt? lol)

Nope lol I'm in Ottawa not worth coming back for commencement and yes Netflix lol. I like heels and I can handle them but after a while they're killer

elani555 replied 3076 days ago

Gah sorry for the wait, my days are getting busier and I'm sure yours are too. I only had old Harris, what was young Harris like?

What was the last movie you watched?

There are no words for how amazing young harris is... and we'll lol the last movie I finished was "flipped" but currently watching aquamarine lol

elani555 replied 3079 days ago

I haven't written an essay in like a year lmao. He's one of the good teachers left at Central :'(

Have you ever stepped on your cat's tail? &gt;.&gt;

I mean I was talking about young harris, but old harris was fcking amazing - and yes lmao oops

elani555 replied 3083 days ago

Ah, so you'll have blonde hair until it grows out ;D I don't do well with cold either, but I can't bring myself to wear a hat...

What was one important thing high school taught you? :P

More or less yeah- and uh note taking and writing essays, thank you Harris!

elani555 replied 3085 days ago

So you just have to cut the hair after? :o lmao you sound like me in grade 12 except I never did the work anyway.

During winter, do you wear mittens or put your hands in your sleeves?

Yeah, but like I don't mind the bleached colour so I'm leaving it! And same but I never got work in grade 12... and I do both lmao I don't do well with cold

elani555 replied 3088 days ago

Does it eventually go back to its original colour? &gt;.&gt;

Ok, so... Do you do all your homework when you first get home or at night?

No because it's bleached...and lol i do it when I have time to lol

elani555 replied 3090 days ago

I'll get back to you as soon as I think of some jokes lol. Whaaat, when did you dye your hair? ;P Pink hair, interesting... Black hair to pink sounds really hard actually.

Have you ever played with fallen leaves in autumn?

It's like the bottom half and lol I did it in August and now it's faded to blonde but that's okay... And not really nah

elani555 replied 3093 days ago

That sounds like a lot of work lol. Then you have to plug it back in the wall :f we can laugh at each other's unfunny jokes ;')

If you could dye your hair any colour, what would you choose?

It's not that hard? Lmao and yes, let's do it! Wellll since over already dyed my hair if have to say pink

elani555 replied 3094 days ago

Ah that makes sense. The only museum in London I've been to is the children's museum lol. How do you charge your phone at home then? ;P Also I love pumpkin pie and carving is fun, haha.

Have you ever told a joke where no one laughed? ._.

Hahaha I take it home with me?? And yep lmao that's my life xD

elani555 replied 3096 days ago

Oh wow, do we even have those in London or were they somewhere else? :P You say it like it's natural to carry a phone charger around haha. Is it? &gt;.&lt;

Do you carve pumpkins for Halloween? It's a bit early, but...

We have museums in London, but I travel a lot so... And idk I know a lot of people that carry their charger around. Nah I'm not a super big fan of pumpkin, you??

elani555 replied 3098 days ago