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Eliza Griffiths


Ask away xx

17 Replies

Dream holiday destination ?


eliza.griffiths replied 3425 days ago

What are you allergic to?


eliza.griffiths replied 3438 days ago

I'm a random cat lady. Guess who I am

Go away Leah b*m

eliza.griffiths replied 3438 days ago

Thoughts floody ;)

He's a great mate!! Really miss acting with him! He's super nice and funny can't wait to see him more often!!

eliza.griffiths replied 3440 days ago

thoughts on mill ;)

She's amazing so silly so great such a personality!!! Miss doing gym with her!!! Really need to catch up

eliza.griffiths replied 3441 days ago

Do you like Chloe??

Yes for the last time I do she's super nice and I'm glad she's in jones!!

eliza.griffiths replied 3441 days ago

So you like everyone more than Chloe right?

No I like Chloe she's great. Yes she's not one of my closest friends but that doesn't mean I don't like her!

eliza.griffiths replied 3441 days ago

Which girl is least favorite in your friends in jones

No way!! That's brutal

eliza.griffiths replied 3441 days ago

thoughts on drew??

Love drew so much she is so great and helped me so much when I was new I'd be lost with out her :)

eliza.griffiths replied 3441 days ago

Thoughts on aliya??

To be honest I wasn't so sure at the start but I love her now!! She's so pretty and She's so funny and great to be around I can't wait to get closer to her!!

eliza.griffiths replied 3441 days ago

Thoughts on Ella and Liv?

Love Ella bella to bits!!!!! Such an amazing friend can't wait to have her up! They are both such a pretty people inside and out! I'm not as close to Liv as I am to Ella but what I know about Liv I absolutely love! :)

eliza.griffiths replied 3441 days ago

When was the last time you cried and why ?

Probably friendship stuff a while back

eliza.griffiths replied 3442 days ago

Do you like Chloe?

Yeah, she's nice and I'm definitely friends with her I just wouldn't call her my best friend

eliza.griffiths replied 3442 days ago

If you had to pick five year 6s you didn't like who would they be?

NO WAY!! That's so mean

eliza.griffiths replied 3443 days ago

are you friends with jess dalgleish

Hell yeah!! She's so perfect and lovely I don't know where I'd be with out her!

eliza.griffiths replied 3443 days ago