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245 Replies

What is the happiest thing that has happened to you in the past 24 hours?

Got my heater fixed I guess?

elizaroseloganthomas replied 2501 days ago

No wonder he chose her and her kid over you and yours. I wouldn’t want to be around you and those brats either. Why do you pawn them off whenever you get a chance to drink with Helena? Horrible mother!

I couldn’t care less what he did. Mine and the kids lives are so much better without him and have more love and happiness in our lives then he ever gave. He was very abusive and I have so much proof. I feel sorry for her and her kid really because he’ll show what he’s really like sooner or later. Especially since him and I continued to sleep together whilst they were together until about 3 months ago. Also I haven’t been friends with Helina for months so?

elizaroseloganthomas replied 2503 days ago

Im scared to tell you who i am about the 3some because i also find you $exy AF

Just send me a knock knock joke and we'll go from there.

elizaroseloganthomas replied 2662 days ago

Would you ever have a some or moresome with your friend Helina? She is fcking $exy AF

We have to know who it even is to consider it. Message me.

elizaroseloganthomas replied 2662 days ago

Did you ever have a crush on James Smith


elizaroseloganthomas replied 2798 days ago

Is there anyone that you have had a crush on but missed your chance with them and regret it?

Hahahah, HECK yes.

elizaroseloganthomas replied 2798 days ago

You're awesome and i miss our chats

Message me on Facebook then silly!

elizaroseloganthomas replied 3413 days ago

i hope you kill yourself you fat ugly s l u t you dont deserve your fugly as* kids

If I was your parent I would be VERY disappointed in you.

elizaroseloganthomas replied 3415 days ago

I think you're good looking :)

Thank you :) but you must be seriously visually impaired.

elizaroseloganthomas replied 3604 days ago

Oh dw it was your snap story :) either way you look good :)

Okay, thanks

elizaroseloganthomas replied 3610 days ago

Was that snapchat you just sent ment for me?

what snapchat i just sent? haven't for hours...

elizaroseloganthomas replied 3618 days ago

Since I first met you I have alway wanted to get to know you well. I have alway found you attractive. In many ways ;)

uh huh..

elizaroseloganthomas replied 3618 days ago

What ever ugly, eat a f u c k ing d I c k then.

Hahaha, you're just pathetic. Why not actually say this to me instead of being anonymous?

elizaroseloganthomas replied 3637 days ago

Why do you colour your hair darker colours when your eyebrows are so lite that you can't even see them ?¿ it looks so stupid.

Why should I give a **** about what you have to say? I don't and I can do what I please without your petty comments. :)

elizaroseloganthomas replied 3637 days ago

Why does Logan need so much help? Is there something wrong or just because?

Message me and I'll tell you through that, don't want it said on here.

elizaroseloganthomas replied 3637 days ago