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Moet nie twee keer dink nie ?

8 Replies

What percentage is your phone's battery on right now?

79 % ?

eliznaerasmus_ replied 2906 days ago

Jy maak my ☺ jy maak my ? jy maak my ? jy maak myy ❤ jy maak my alles..i love youu...?

jy maak my jy maak my jy maak my wonner wie jy is ??. #raaiselraaisel ?

eliznaerasmus_ replied 2907 days ago

If you could be on the cover of any magazine , which would you choose ?

Kids ?

eliznaerasmus_ replied 2908 days ago

Jy is nog altyd mooi vir my en baie aantreklik, ps crush? , bly altyd net so en vind jou geluk in die lewe en moet nie jou self seer maak nie want ao meisie soos jy is net spesiaal ❤geniet jou dag mooi bly #staysmiling

Aww??. Dankie vir my dag se hoogtepunt !! Het dit nodig gehad ? . Bly altyd so bright light ?.

eliznaerasmus_ replied 2908 days ago

What is your greatest regret ?

i regret not ordering pizza atleast twice a day ?

eliznaerasmus_ replied 2912 days ago

What turns you off in a person?

It really pisses me off when someone tries to convince you that you're lucky to even have the opportunity to be spending time with them. ?

eliznaerasmus_ replied 2912 days ago

Describe yourself in three words ?

I wear glasses ?

eliznaerasmus_ replied 2912 days ago

What little thing pisses you off greatly?

People that make fun of others. It basically proves that they're self eseem needs a work out , or two. ??

eliznaerasmus_ replied 2912 days ago 1