Hey jojo hehehe guess what?? Lol toes:D
Crazy toes:D
Okay :p. I did :D
Thankss DuRaN xx
Quick quistion. Y are we talking over this :-| ooo wait try guess who I is first ;;)
Yes why r we:)...uhm °̩ don\'t know ping me on beebeem:D
If only there were a way to slap people through the phone :D
Hahaha :D
U need to do more than rolling eyes :| gota Bit** slap these Bit**es :p
:P indeed
Who was your first kiss
What a bunch of pervs on here asking you such persanel infomation. Ewwwww.
°̩ know(rolling eyes)
Its the guy that calls u beautiful and se*y:p
Uhmmm:l .
Have u ever fingered urslef
Have you?
Hey beautiful...I like u :* your nice cute and hot:D
Heyy(:..thanks x .who are you tho???
Why so hot :D ? odwa101
Why so fresh?!!:D
I miss talking to u on the phone ,best r400 air time I ever spent in my life and will doo it again anytime mwahz .gess who ? Haha busted .....
You are so beautiful!
Thank you(:x
Who is the person in your bbm dp next to you?
My friend(:
Joe Joe bear. Do u know who °̩ am?
Courtz u better get your as* 2 durban kay??(: <3*chaplin*<3
Hey monkey:P your beautiful and I wana cuddle with you;) let see how good u are at working this out:P stay away from tequila hahahaha
Joe Joe Bear. Y u no hang out with me :(
): hun we will hang out soon soon kay(:*hugs*
I hope u only go for white guys:|
Well I do
Soo what do you think about thee idea of Xbox? And what games do you like P)
Xbox is pretty awesome .I like a lot of games(:
Are you still a virgin..??
Oh geee yes I\'m still a virgin and what\'s it 2 u if I wasn\'t not?
So I. Also wanna say something.....you deserve someone who doesn't make u sad...someone who makes u smile....who makes u feel special who makes u feel like your the only girl in the word....that's what you need (:
Hay heard you only go for white people :) ?
Really from who??
Guess whoooooooo!! :P beerboy
Cameron beer !!!!:P
U are super se*y! Can I come cuddle u?
Kay!(:only if you bring me hot coco(:
Why you going to al these jols now a days?
Because (:
Soo I know this is about asking you questions, but I though I'd say something instead. Well here goes you are really special (: I think you're an beautiful girl , with a beautiful heart well stay awesome (: *x
Thankks sweetie(:
Who are you dating and why?