Ellie culhane
Ellie don't listen to any of these anon fück heads, they must not have anything better to do in the life then to make is stupid rumours about you,, they only do it true and bring you down because they know that your better then them -Schyler
Thanks schyler ??
Can I ask something,
Is it true about you and Robert russell have sèx or not?
No nothing ever happened!
How many doors do you have at your house?
Watch out!
It's okay I look both ways?
Everyone knows you have had $ex three times so stop hiding it, you know your a slūt!
Just got to love the people who make up these rumours ??
You say you've pulled your head In when you really haven't
How the fück do I pull it in when I don't know what I am pulling it in for!
I really believe you should just go kill yourself.
Why bother with caring about what goes on in my life when u should be caring about your own, so fūck off
Pull your head in before I start telling your mother stuff.
Idk how much more I have to pull it in ?
Ever send nudes
Hahaha is that a joke ?
Pull your head out of your A$$ slüt :)
Your a waste of space :)
I know
What are you trying to prove to yourself?
That people maybe right about me
Go die in a hole you worthless piece of sht! No one wants you in benalla
Maybe I will!
How many kids would you like to have ?
2 or 3
How do you think you are most likely to die?
Hit by a car ?
Number 1 slüt of benalla ?
Wow how cool
Not sure what you mean ?
Describe yourself in three words ?
Apparently a slüt
What is your greatest regret ?