Eloise Greening
If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?
62 lol
Who was the last person to break your heart ?
Dylan lol
Who told you they loved you last
The last thing you bought ?
false eyelashes
What do you think is the most useless class in high school?
What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already?
how to pay bills
1. I can answer half of these questions myself
2. You're so gay
shutup Josh
What does your perfect day look like?
any day with zach in it
What are you allergic to?
When was the last time you cried and why ?
when Brandon and callie broke up
Lamborghini or Ferrari?
Name anyone you dated in the past ?
Josh rhiley zach Dylan
If money was no object, what would you do all day?
what I already do all day, nothing.
Stop answering childishly.
you're the one that asks childish questions, so make me. ha.
What was your last dream about ?
one direction concert
Who would you take a bullet for?
my mum
What do you miss about your childhood?
Not having to worry about anything
What does your perfect day look like?
Bed with zach all day
What turns you off ?
What is your bank balance ?
How long do you want to live?
At what age do you want to get married ?
Like late 20s
Where do you want to live when you older?
Not here
Biggest regret?
Picking a tafe course
Have you ever gone to school without taking a bath?
I shower
What do you like about the person you dating?
He's very nice
Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? Why or Why not?
Yeah coz yolo swag
I don't know cpr
Game of thrones vs Vikings ?
Don't watch them
Been ****ed yet?
idk have you been ******** yet
Who are you dating?
Zach Neilson
If you had to ask God a question what would it be?
why do we have to die
Most expensive thing you have?
Who are you dating?
no one
One thing you like about yourself?
Current mood?
annoyed because my phone charger broke
Ever had your heart broken? If so by who?
What time do you sleep?
before 10 hahahahah
What turns you off in a person ?
Do you have a crush on anyone
not you
Which friend would you take a bullet for?
2 things you dislike about yourself?
What did you last dream about?
idk lol probs Zach
How many kids do you want to have?
What do you s*ck at?
everything.... but math
Dumbest thing you've ever heard?
us - what part of the body do we have 206 of?
Melinda - teeth
*face palm* idiot
A super power you wish you had?
What are you really good at?
Who are you dating?
no one :D
Who would you like thank today and what for?
my mum coz ily
What pisses you off the most?
everyone and everything
I hate people
Smartphone that is on your wishlist?
none coz I just got 5s
The biggest mistake you made in your life?
Have you ever had feelings for a friend?
5 prettiest girls and top 3 boys in yr 11 at Tc ?
um caitlyne
caitlyne caitlyne
tharu willis Michael
God you are so annoying wtf
How did you know I love taffy? She's such a cutie
I love........
but Eloise Greening
but what
Wait no..... I love you
Sick of you and your ****
Who was your childhood best friend?
Naomi klose
u r sadddddd
you're annoying
either way you shouldnt be ashamed of the answer
never said I was
if I wanted to tell you I would
so could you just stop asking me
it's none of your business anyway
you're boring then
you don't need to know weather I have or not so shutup
no seriously, are you a virgin
yes. no. maybe. idk. do you?
who did dylan fall for ?
steph glossop lol
virgin or?
actually answer this
why did you and dylan break up?
because his an idiot and 'fell' for another girl
because I'm not good enough
Hah it might have been me
nah mate
Last person you kissed?
not you
ya ****ing **** i'll stab ya **** s*cker
yolo sweg
I'm sorry you were disappointed it was only me and not someone loving you :P
wot mate
The sky's awake
So I'm awake
So we have to play
go play by your self
Which celebrity would you leave your girl or boyfriend for?
Dave franco
I have a nickname for you to but i guess u dont use that one :l
what is it
Who's asking all these questions? Only one has been qoohme. Also no one calls you piglet!
they all have been qoohme lol
and yeah my Joshy does
What is your nickname?
How long would you like to live for?
never :(
What turns you off in a girl/guy ?
not in it for the real relationship
If you could delete one thing from this earth what could it be?
dumb people
How awesome are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
probably a ............
Your next smartphone?
Who do you think is dying next on Game of thrones?
don't watch ut
The worst thing that happend to you this week?
Arielle went home too day:(
Oh great my first kiss can be with a guy #homolyf
At least youve had a first kiss! I haven't
well here
take mine
Who's a *exy beast?
the beast
The best movie so far in 2014?
Peabody and Sherman
Who was your first kiss?
rhiley lol
How was your first kiss like ?
stupid because it was with a stupid person who is stupid :/
What's green purple and loves cake