that song you were listening to is wrong, because you are perfect.
<3 <3
Hey elysse what song you listening to ? harringtonruby
Nobody's perfect by Hannah Montana
a magpie shat on me once
what afl team do you go for
I bet if shelly told me to touch your t i t s you'd say yes
Can I please, please, please have a go on your t I t s
Most expensive thing you have?
I'm not sure
have you ever squeezed you b o o b s and milk has come/squirted out
Yeah always
you hate me, correct?
No haha who is this
Can I please touch your boo*s your so beautiful xx
Nahh man
what school do u go to
Top 5 hottest year 9s at luther??
and what Shelley says is law
Spot on
Why do you hate liking your own photos?
I dunno Shelley would say how she didn't like it and I just sorta got into a habit and now if I do it annoys me, kinda ocd
Do you ever like your own photos
Haha I hate liking my own photos
Don't listen to them Elysse your a beautiful girl and there seriously just jealous of you xxxx love you long time xxxx leahdelgiudicee
Love you always x
I saw you eating a freddo today do u know how many calories are in that like seriously omg maddyschaper
Mazz :(
you are as hot as a kettle that has been left in the 40 degress sun just been boiled and dropped in a volcano and do you see where I'm going with this.
Let me guess after I've been dropped in a volcano I come out and you touch me and that's how hot I am
The things these people are writing are ****ing so mean hahaha your so hot and not fat at all don't listen to them your mint xx danacamilleri
Immature isn't it haha, love you
Your not even fat wtf hahahaa these people are just jealous of you gorgeous don't worry about them !! your hot as
Thank you!!
who do you like better burkey or brian morgan? (oh the pressure is on)
This is so random? I love them both
does it get annoying to have big t I t s do you sometimes have to move them out of the way to see something when you are lying down
Their not that big haha
really want to get to know you but you just always laugh and lie.
I don't lie?? Joking and lying are two different things and why the ****s it matter if I laugh are you a emo or something ahhah
why does it matter if she can or can't run 20 metres? does it make her a better or worse person? does it change her personality? who gives a ****! soo frustrating!!! love you elysse
Exactly!! Love you!
Bet you couldn't even jog 20m
Yeah probably couldn't ahhaha
**** up you far chat unfit ****
beautiful has "tif" in it if u reverse it says "fit" you are fit girl!!
Hahah love you
whoevers saying this **** to Elysse you need you have no bloody right saying all these terrible things to Elysse. I really don't understand how you could say that to someone! Seriously get some respect and grow up. Don't worry Elysse you're beautiful xx Carlapapanastasiou
I love you Carla
Every boy thinks ur chat cos ur a fat ***** u are actually the ugliest thing I've seen ur so over weight it fatter then abbey archer it's so funny I see the way you eat at school and all I can think is yay she's getting fatter
This is the most disgusting thing I've ever read
Your the fattest **** I've ever laid eyes on you eat so ****ing much it's gross go loose some weight
Your just jealous Of my tripple chin
all you do is take people's food to add to your fat
biggest two faced **** I've ever met your so annoying
Just because I'm not mean to the people I don't necessarily get along with does not make me two faced, haha grow up
your boo*s are just more of your fat
Who cares there still bigger then yours so HA
who would ever want to date someone as chubs as you
Shelleys pretty keen
you told me to pack my things and go home :(
I was just trying to ryhme
No im not ok
What's wrong
You can't even ryhm
Gimmie a break I thought of it in 20 seconds
Who are you dating?
"your face is pretty I like the color of your eyes I know you hate me but that is just a disguise for the true love that is about to arrive"
What a great poem your as cute as a nome but im sorry to say pack your things and go home
rules about men
rule #1: they are ****heads especially around their friends so choose their friends for them.
rule #2: you should understand at least two sports
rule #3: please ;) them at least once every two days
Yeah thanks
When did u and abbey archer start being friends
Year 7
What do you do when you angry?
I swear ur friends with everyone?!
Not everyone
You have like 3 girl friends at school hahaha
Nah babe
Come home with meeee
Not just tonight but maybe for life
would you hook up with someone you like never talk to if he was hot? xx
I don't know
Then you must hate yourself cause your pretty fake as well
You obviously don't know me very well if that's what ya think
butter is way better than yoghurt but yoghurt is better than cheese but cheese is better than ice cream but ice cream is the top dog of all dairy apart from whipped cream which I would totally spray on your t*** ;)
Pardon me
In your last qooh me did you mean 'it comes from cows' like beef is started by ***holes or am I totally wrong and u just meant it c
Actually comes from cows
Nope your actually spot on, didn't think anyone would get it ahhahah
Yeah it comes from cows
Who do you hate
Fake people
your one of the funniest people I've ever met legit your hilarious
my jokes are the only thing that get me through the day
do you ever draw on your b o o b s to be s e x y
Aw only on special occasions
You sound like a up yourself ***** when you say what you said in your last qooh
People talk about you a lot and NOT in a good way
As long as they're talkin about me I don't care ;)
You have the biggest t*** I've ever seen
Check out my mums
Your so pretty n cute n friendly n bubbly n kind it's so cute
Haha aww :) xxx
why don't you reply to any questions
I do
DON'T reply 2 this (if you do everyone will get annoyed at me), sorry for calling you "my girlfriend" it sort of just came out of my mouth I was going to say babe but for some reason I didn't, I have no right to call you girlfriend only ruby has that privilege Calebfazz
It's okay don't stress
Why did Toby dump you
HAHAHAH um what
I wank to your photos
why don't you hang out with abbey and those people anymore
I do sometimes but i dunnoo I like hanging out with other people more
Holy **** you have the biggest boo*s omg!! Im so jealous!!
Nah hahaha x
Wow you look like you have lost weight have you got like a personal trainer who is it?
You're so hot nkw
Haha I've actally put on weight..
So many people ***** about you it's so funny
lol cause they're jealous of me, nah honest *****ing is so immature
I thought you were a straight up ***** but I had a convo with you the other week and you are actaully so friendly and cool :)
Well there's a wake up call for ya, DONT JUDGE PEOPLE
Which friend would you take a bullet for?
so you want $1000 and zero cents (1000.00) can I give you an iou
Oi don't try be smart it's annoying
$1000 for nudes?
Add a extra 0 to that and we got a deal
Your perfect
I'm flattered
Why did Brian let you go :( your so perfect
We were never even together or anything aha? but thank you xx
did you see a fat black and white cat when you did cross country
money can't buy love but it can help
Can i **** you
Can you what
Your such a *****, why u say yes to money buying love that's just wrong!!!
Well I'm not gonna lie if someone gave me $1000 I sure ain't gonna hate them
you did :( you made me feel so insucure :(
I never call anyone fat,bso shut up
your a busy miss lizzy
you called me fat :(
No I didnt what who is this?? :(
But you and maddy seem close why aren't you close now
We are just not as close as we used to be x
Are you and Maddy schaper still close?
nicest person at luther?
Mm not many but probably maddy seeds <3
What did you last dream about?
I was in the maze in Harry potter and yeah it was scaryyy
Do you know anybody named ben dover
Are you and Shelley still best friends p?
nah :(
Ily...para on me..just make it up
Caleb, how many times do I have to tell you stop asking elysse questions
Are you close to Brian
the wenhams sound like a mafia hahaha
What's a mafia?
That Caleb is a charmer I mean look at that killer moustache he has, he is the hottest guy I know so lucky to have, he is willing to blow you a kiss in front of the entire year 8 class you should stop ignoring him.
so I'm guessing your not close too hannah
wtf I know more then one Hannah soo...?
Ur stunning... I wanna b like u
R u still close to hannah
Who's Hannah?