Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
not wearing my shoes to work, it was super weird
That time that my family was going to move because contractors wanted to build a golf course on our house and I found a treasure map t oone-eyed willy's treasure so me, my brother Brandon, all my friends and my asthma puffer (oh and brandons gf Stef) went on a great adventure tp find the treasure, of which we did , and in turn saved my housr from being destroyed for a god damn golf course!!!
The super power to end year 12 already
Procrastination (y)
Galaxy s5 bc it looks like a beautiful pieve of machinery
look at all these twelvies being moral and arguing love is the right answer. I'll be realistic and completely acerbic and pick money xo
Caity ^_^
I got in with someone I didnt want to but I managed to run away
thankyou oh my goodness!! ^_^
During The Crucible
I love you Alysha omg
I think that person would need a nice cup of tea and a hug
thankyou kind soul <3 i honestly just think it's funny though- i really couldn't care less about their petty hate and irrelevant opinions ^_^
Babe, this got old like 6 hours ago
You can talk to me :3
I'm not sure what's more insulting? Your comment or your complete disrespect for the english language!
awh but i love receiving attention- i thought everyone knew xx
very true, i am do judge harshly, i am bitter and i am a gossip, but i don't have power over 'everyone'. Believe it or not the people I surround myself with are not so mindless to not form and hold their own personal beliefs and opinions about particular people. If you're feeling like I influenced a group of people to suddenly change their mind about you, or someone you know, maybe you should look a little harder because believe me I can't change peoples minds and maybe the subject of this so called 'grudge' i hold was in reality never really accepted or necessarily has their company enjoyed by 'everyone'. Get a reality check, it'll do you some good
how much people don't really care
omg thankyou so much!! that really means a lot :)
without them the population would die out :)
heheh thankyou ♡
none because I am single xoxo
True it is hahah :P
you're too sweet!
what's with you guys and petty hate- build a ****ing bridge and stop acting like you're 7.
aw original and subtle, i love it!
im sorry to be so cruel but you need to get over me, you cant waste your efforts on someone if they wont even respond to a message. There is probably a girl, 10x better than me, waiting for you to message her- but you're not because you're wasting your time on me. I'm not saying don't try or don't put yourself out there- I'm just saying that you need to realise when people are wasting your time or you are wasting your affections on someone.
talk to me then? i don't want you to waste your time and be disapointed
im not worth your effort, honestly I'll just hurt you- im not being pathetic im being honest.
Yeah im sorry lovely, we can definitely hang out as friends but I'm not attracted to girls in that sense
have you told me before? Dont waste your time on me hahah
im probably still friends with them though? just because you dont talk to someone for a while doesn't mean you're not friends :P
Get on with what?
ahahh yeah im just too tired to make an effort with people im not friends with already
because i was at rehearsals for 8 hours today and lately when i'm not rehearsing im doing homework and when im not doing homework im so tired i can't be bothered making conversation,
oh okay? Who are you?
Lizel, Violeta, Tara F, and D'Arcy bc shes flawless far out
Yeah you told me (if this is who I think it is)
Thanks man! But i dont care, people dont have to like me c:
i don't care :)
Heheh ♡♡
this is the loveliest thing i've heard in such a long time :') thankyou <3
I dont get this joke?
school on a friday afternoon
, i'm seeing violet in the afternoon : )i just don't want to go to a party where there are people I don't really want to talk to
...have you met me??
<3 thankyou awh :3
some people in my year level ;)
im glad you're so in touch with the world :)
if you'd really like to know you can ask me yourself hah
what an odd question....
i understood, i was just being a smart as* about it ;)
not atm it's like minus 4 degrees in my bedroom :(
i don't :(
apple bc the samsungs make an annoying camera aound
u gotta be a cutie to get some of this b**ty
tara forbes, liezl, eliza
probably by the same thirsty people
you obviously don't understand the notion behind my attention seeking love
i bet you do
idk being naked is generally a good start...
driving lesson cancelled bc drunk driver screwed up the learners car
Of course!
11 :'( <3
Well im not sure I pertain to a geoup but the girls I am friends with are lovely and I get along with them for a reason :)
Why do we constantly try to comapre ourselves? Whoever you are who is asking this, you are beautiful. You really are! You shouldn't seek confirmation about obvious things, alright.
I only get love drunk off ur humps
roy! he's so lovely awh ^_^
would you like to say that to my face :)
they're all gorgeous in their own ways!
my last boyfriend haha
thats adorable :')
how do you think i've lost this weight?
loves it ;)
like: ur basic <3
this is so lovely and unexpected heheh awh <3
People are only boring if you are ignorant. Every person is interesting.
i love hanging out w/people- sure :)
okay love xox
You're still here? This is getting a little pathetic :)
If you haven't noticed I was making fun of your question. I'm sure pleeenty of people find you attractive with that cowardice and acerbic discourse.
omg thankyou so much! Im actually so proud of what I've done, and unlike that "guys will find you much more attractive" person may think - i do these sort of things for myself and to be happy with myself so yay
he's a faceless coward, i don't value his opinion. Thankyou for the support <3
You're annoying when you pick out girls nervous traits. Just keep your opinion to yourself and girls will find it much more attractive.
hmmm i dunno, they're all sort of immature to be perfectly honest
A good smile makes it