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Em Jackson


ask me stuffff I'll answer honestly

4 Replies

***** you so cray cray ;)

**** me? Cray cray? hwvf cheers cuz. As ciwbfh S qj dbxka fix. Wj xiodkxococ

emilyjackson replied 3938 days ago

Why so black?

There was an accident at my first birthday party, I got left in the oven too long :P

emilyjackson replied 4064 days ago

Top 5 people at DSC?

That is a hard one...(my top five in no particular order,) Mel Helmore, Shane Hope, Selina Meehan, Tiff Trebal, Jai Martin :)

emilyjackson replied 4064 days ago

Thoughts on Jeremy Allen??

Jeremy. Hmmmm. I haven't had much of a chance to talk to him recently, but I have always thought that he's a genuine guy, tho he can be quite shy and a bit reserved at times, he is a very kind and honest person, and possesses some amazing musical talent. :)

emilyjackson replied 4064 days ago