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Emma Wilson



1.3k Replies

Top 5 boy best friends all round

I have a few cause girls are btches

emmaaaaaa.w replied 3239 days ago

how many year 11 do you talk to

like none

emmaaaaaa.w replied 3239 days ago

thoughts on jake moss and Mitch Joyce and Daniel wright

swear this has been asked like 20000000000 times haha

emmaaaaaa.w replied 3239 days ago

You and Montana seem to be best friends again what happend to the other girl??


emmaaaaaa.w replied 3239 days ago

Going from a year 11 to a year 7 hahah. Desperate

whahahaha fck off can I not have friends

emmaaaaaa.w replied 3239 days ago

Thoughts on simba chigsy chigwedger

bullies me

emmaaaaaa.w replied 3239 days ago

You are the hottest girl I've ever seen would you give me a bj

whahahaha sure thing

emmaaaaaa.w replied 3239 days ago

Thoughts on John Plumb

hey dan, how's Carly?

emmaaaaaa.w replied 3266 days ago

Thoughts on Mark parker (gay ****)

hey dan, how's Carly?

emmaaaaaa.w replied 3266 days ago

Do you have a dck?

hey dan, how's Carly?

emmaaaaaa.w replied 3266 days ago

fck, fck and fck
Jake moss, Graham Johncock and Jordan zabenko?

hey dan, how's Carly?

emmaaaaaa.w replied 3266 days ago

fck one kill one marry one
Adolfo Hitler, Ryan Paterson and Ryan Frizey Paterson

hey dan, how's Carly?

emmaaaaaa.w replied 3266 days ago

Would you kill jordan zabenko if he fcked another girl?

hey dan, how's Carly?

emmaaaaaa.w replied 3266 days ago

Thoughts on nick Condon, Lachie walker and Jackson and Daniel wright

hey dan, how's Carly?

emmaaaaaa.w replied 3266 days ago

Would you have $ex with a dog?

hey dan, how's Carly?

emmaaaaaa.w replied 3266 days ago