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Like- you can be funny
Dislike- we don't really talk that much
Rate- 7
Cute with- Tayla
Your funny
We don\'t hang out that much
You love me Tay Tay ;)
She\'s such an ugly rat! I\'m kidding she\'s so pretty and so funny and she\'s like my best friend
Oh my god she is so pretty and just dead set perfect and funny
OMG you are soooooo funny aha!!
We don\'t really hang out that much
Niall Barlow
Your my hippo
Your really nice and friendly
We don\'t really hang out that much
Like: you really nice
Dislike: we don\'t hang out that much
Rate: 9
Cute with: Katie
She a rat! Just kidding she\'s soooo pretty and funny and she\'s like my best friend x
He\'s a really nice kid and really good to be around and funny as well
Who is this!? And I don\'t stare at people in clas*!
Like: your really nice and a good person to be asking
Dislike: nothing
Cw: briar or Tayla
I know right! There pretty cool I reckon ;) I am pretty lucky ay
Oh my god yesss!! They are just so pretty! Yeah I know right I\'m pretty lucky to have such gorgeous best friends like them ayy!
Rate: 8
Like: you are a nice kid and good to be around
Dislike: we don\'t really hang out much
Cw: Tayla
Rate: 9
Like: your really funny and good to be around
Dislike: nothin
Cute with: anyone you like
Like: you my bestie
Dislike: nothing
Cw: briar hehe
I\'m dating nobody