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Caitlyn Brown: you an understanding person, really nice, and you seem confident around people you know :) Alisha Salim: your nice, you like to TALK alot haha, we were really close at one point in primary school. Hayley Cooper: your a nice person, you REALLY REALLY HATE nandini, your a loud conifdent person haha
i dont know ahahah lol never have or i dont think i have... haha
i dont really know i usually preffer them to be taller than me :) other wise they have to have a nice personality and attractive ;)
a gorgeous amazing girl ! she is so awesome to talk to !
I KNNNNOOOOOW ! :) thank you
hahaha thats what i thought ;) HAHAH
i luuurrrv ruuuu too enormous!!!
hahah giggly puffs where did you get that from
hahah oh my god :')
id say the same to you......
i luuuuurrrvvv ruuuuuu tooorrroo
????? haha
i do every night O.o
she got it from her mumma
i knoooooooooooow
OH MY GOD ! HAHAHAHAH :') you seriously couldnt think of anything worse to say oh my god you crack me up lololol
you know i do :D
how did you knw .... jks
you the one thats been pressing yo b**ty up against my window at night O.o
you have a nice chin
oh ma gwad if this is who i think it is ;) i feel the same way it happens to me to when im around you
id make you give it away -.- jokes
shes the bestest in the whole widest of widest worlds!!! shes by far the coolest best friend ive had... wait no .... jks i love her so much shes the awesomest person ever!!!!!!!!