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100 Replies

When was the last time you did something for the first time? What was it?

i wouldnt have a clue

emmyemstar replied 3222 days ago

What would you call your autobiography?

To all the bi tches out there who hate me

emmyemstar replied 3270 days ago

You f u c k i n g bi tch! I can't believe you would say such rude things to Amber, she is so nice and your just probably jealous

Look anon, i have apologised, she has accepted my apology, so lets put this behind us. I was very upset at the time i wrote that message and she understands. So leave me alone.

emmyemstar replied 3389 days ago

What do you spend your money on the most ?


emmyemstar replied 3446 days ago

What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?

Im not fustrated now

emmyemstar replied 3450 days ago

How do you deal with failure?

I dont know. I do whatever i want

emmyemstar replied 3451 days ago

Emily! Don't say stuff like that to other people if you don't want hate yoursekf. Amber is a great girl, I can't believe you said that about her. You're such a disrespectful cöw. Ange.interlandi1

Im sorry ok. I was just depresded and amgry from my papas death

emmyemstar replied 3452 days ago

Who r u?

Who r u?

emmyemstar replied 3562 days ago

What do you think about the most?

Getting my tap dance perfect

emmyemstar replied 3632 days ago

Everyone who is sending me mean messages. Please stop. I really don't like it. If I find a mean message. I will disable anonymous messages and you will have to ask the questions in person. Thx for underatanding emmyemstar


emmyemstar replied 3633 days ago

To as*holes out there that are calling emily names grow The fuk up.we know that you want attention hate to break it to us but emily is a way better persons then u will ever be. Here for ya

Aww thx

emmyemstar replied 3633 days ago

What have you lied about lately ?

Your big fat as*

emmyemstar replied 3641 days ago

If you had to ask God a question what would it be?

Whats my future

emmyemstar replied 3644 days ago

Hello your *exy I wanna date u babe!!

Ummmm who are u? I cant date u if I dont know who u r

emmyemstar replied 3647 days ago

Most expensive thing you have?


emmyemstar replied 3648 days ago