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ask Мє any crazed questions ŋσ matter Ωнαt X_x

787 Replies

I have the best moustache.. ? an old friend.. who am I?


emokristin replied 2109 days ago

Finish the sentence: "I am-"
This can be anything from how you are felling at the moment right up to how you feel about your life so far. :)

Living my life

emokristin replied 2109 days ago



emokristin replied 2109 days ago

What the hell happened to you

What do you mean man !? Explain to me If this is good or bad

emokristin replied 2109 days ago

Was jy ook daar ??

Waar ??

emokristin replied 2109 days ago

So, I only just realised you've been on my Facebook list for a long A$$ time and never said hi. Best to do it anonamously lol waddup homes

Hay man haha wish I knew who this was ,, I'm the kindest being alive so please don't be shy to spread thee wings and fly

emokristin replied 2109 days ago

You're like KFC, finger licking good ?

Why thank you strange one x

emokristin replied 2109 days ago

If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?

Id really love to be a big fat fluffy panda ,, since the world is going on about them dying out and i would love to be treated in such a royal way because of it ♡ and they are totally not racist ♧ ;-)

emokristin replied 3470 days ago

I need your grace
To remind me
To find my own

Grace isnt something a person teaches you ,, grace is a wonderful compassionate thing that your heart wants to do ♡

emokristin replied 3564 days ago 1

If i lay here,If I just lay here , Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

I forgot the guy who sang this 0,o ah noob so sorry ...

emokristin replied 3564 days ago

Wees Eers Rats Na Een Raai. 0m 8ter vier 9's twee vure vyf boome en 5 0tters. van Afrikaans na Engels te staan kan 'n skerp persoon die "risk" Wat een begaan net dalk verstaan ;-) W

XD Lawl awesome ☆ totally disconfuzellated

emokristin replied 3564 days ago 1

Love you my kittycat :)

Ermmm ... I love kittehs tooo `₩`

emokristin replied 3564 days ago

How many kids do you want and at what age ??

Hmmmm 2 and I dunno am I suppose to plan when im doing stuff like that? Errrr I dont think so haha xD

emokristin replied 3564 days ago

Which movie s*cked for you this year ?

I camt remember it s*cked so much that I forgot its name ♡

emokristin replied 3564 days ago 1

You are a daughter of the Most High, you bare pride in His name, your language seems pure. Your intent as clean as you smile... Please tell me that you smoke or do something ill-conceived?...

No dont smoke dont do drugs dont drink dont use swear words !♡ I only have some people problems ...

emokristin replied 3564 days ago 1